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Suzanne Ogden

Headshot of Suzanne Ogden

Professor Emerita of Political Science

Suzanne Ogden is Professor Emerita, Department of Political Science, Northeastern University, Boston; Associate in Research, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University. As a China specialist, her research and publications have focused on the interaction of China’s culture, politics, and development, such as Inklings of Democracy in China; and China’s Unresolved Issues: Politics, Development and Culture. Her academic articles span a variety of topics: Chinese nationalism, terrorism, intellectuals, education, Tiananmen 1989, and civil society, as well as state, nation, and sovereignty. She began her work on China’s impact on the Mekong River Basin in 2010. Presently, she is writing a book about all the major stakeholders in the Mekong River Basin, focusing on China’s stakeholders.

  • 2012, Grant for field research on Mekong River Basin. Sumitomo Foundation, Japan.
  • 2010-11, Grant for field research on Mekong River Basin. Casa Asia, Barcelona.
  • 2005, Honorary Professor, Sichuan University.
  • 1996-97: Fulbright Teaching Grant, China’s Foreign Affairs College (Waijiao xueyuan), Beijing.
  • 1992: Twenty-Eighth Annual University Lectureship: The Robert D. Klein lecturer, in recognition of outstanding scholarly achievement, professional contribution, and creative classroom activity.
  • 1988: American Council of Learned Societies, Social Science Research Council; Grant to study Chinese at Stanford Directed Interuniversity Center in Taiwan.
  • 1979: Melon Grant, awarded to develop course on Ethics and Business (to be taught in Business School). Declined.
  • 1976-1977: American Council of Learned Societies, Social Science Research Council: Grant for study of Chinese Foreign Policy.
  • 1976: National Endowment for the Humanities, on post-1949 writings of Mao Zedong (Prof. Kau Ying-mao, director, Brown University).
  • “The Impact of China’s Dams on the Mekong River Basin: Governance, Sustainable Development, and the Energy-Water Nexus.” Journal of Contemporary China 32:139 (Published Online, March 22, 2022; published in Journal’s print edition May, 2023).
  • Ogden, S., and Ngeow, C.B. (2011), “The Homeowners’ Committee: The Emergence of Shequ-based Civil Society and its Democratic Potential,” in Zhongguo shi minzhu de zhengzhixue guancha (Political Science Perspectives on a Chinese Style of Democracy”), Tan, Junjiu (ed). Northwestern University Press (China), 2011.
  • Ogden, S., (2007) “Don’t Judge a Country by its Cover: Governance in China,” Shiping Hua and Sujian Guo, eds., China in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities, NY: Palgrave-MacMillan, pp. 49-85.
  • Ogden, S., (2005) “Inoculation Against Terrorism in China: What’s in the Dosage?” in William J. Crotty (ed.), Democratic Development and Political Terrorism. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
  • Ogden, S., (2004) “From Patronage to Profits: The Changing Relationship of China’s Intellectuals with the Party-State.” in Edward X. Gu and Merle Goldman (eds.), Chinese Intellectuals Between State and Market. (N.Y.: Routledge,).
  • Ogden, S., (2001) “Chinese Nationalism: The Precedence of Community and Identity over Individual Rights,” Asian Perspective, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 157-185.
  • Ogden, S., (2000) “China’s Developing Civil Society: Associations and Interest Groups,” in Malcolm Warner (editor), Changing Workplace Relations in the Chinese Economy: Beyond the Iron Rice Bowl (London: MacMillan Press; and New York: St. Martin’s Press), pp. 263-297.
  • Ogden, S., (1993) “The Chinese Communist Party: Agent of Pluralism and the Free Market?” Johns Hopkins SAIS Review: A Journal of International Affairs, vol. 13, No. 2, Summer/Fall, pp. 107-125.
  • Ogden, S., (1993) “The Changing Content of China’s Democratic Socialist Institutions,” In Depth: A Journal for Values and Public Policy, Winter, pp. 237-256. Republished in Ilpyong J. Kim and Jane Shapiro Zacek (eds), Establishing Democratic Rule: The Reemergence of Local Governments in Post-Authoritarian Systems (New York: Paragon House).
  • Ogden, S., (1982) “The Politics of Higher Education in the PRC,” Chinese Law and Government, pp. 4-23.
  • Ogden, S., (1982)”The Sage in the Inkpot: Bertrand Russell’s Influence on Social Reconstruction in China in the 1920’s,” Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 16, No. 3, (October, 1982), pp. 353-424 (72 pages).
  • Ogden, S., (1979) “China’s Position on U.N. Charter Review,” Pacific Affairs (Summer, 1979), pp. 210-240.
  • Ogden, S., (1977) “The Approach of the Chinese Communists to the Study of International Law, State Sovereignty, and the International System,” China Quarterly, No. 70, (June 1977), pp. 315-337.
  • Author and Editor, Global Studies; China (Guilford, Ct.: McGraw Hill), 12th edition, 2007.
  • Author, Inklings of Democracy in China, (Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Asia Center, Harvard University Press), 2002.
  • Co-Author, with Mayer, L., Burnett, J., Tuman,J., Comparative Politics: Nations and Theories in a Changing World,( Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall), 3rd edition, 2000.
  • Author, China’s Unresolved Issues: Politics, Development and Culture, 3rd edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.
  • Project Director and Chief Editor, in collaboration with Kathleen Hartford, Lawrence Sullivan and David Zweig, China’s Search for Democracy: The Student and Mass Movement of 1989. (M.E. Sharpe: Armonk, N.Y.) 1992.

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