Assistant Research Professor; Program Director, Northeastern Public Evaluation Lab (NU-PEL)
For more than a decade, Dr. Yom has overseen, developed, and evaluated school- and community-based health programs. Through her extensive work at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and Department of Education, Dr. Yom has led and supported collaborative research studies funded by the CDC, NIH, USDA, NSF, Children’s Health Fund, Ford Foundation, and Helen Keller Foundation. Her research areas are in Adolescent Health, Youth Development, School Based Health Promotion, School Climate, and Health and Nutrition Education. Dr. Yom’s current research focuses on creating student health profiles using Latent Class Analysis (LCA) to identify and understand the impacts of health-risk behaviors on student academic success.
As the Program Director of the Northeastern University Public Evaluation Lab (NU-PEL), Dr. Yom is committed to building community-academic partnerships via evaluation research. Dr. Yom’s specialization is in teaching and developing evaluation techniques, driven by Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and Culturally Responsive Evaluation (CRE) frameworks. Dr. Yom’s evaluation training is in mixed-method designs, program theory and logic models, evaluation capacity building, evidence-based policy and practice, data visualization, and the translation of knowledge to action.
- Heo M., Irvin E., Ostrovsky N., Isasi C., Blank A., Lounsbury D., Fredericks L., Yom T., Ginsberg M., Hayes S., Wylie-Rosett J. (2016). Behaviors and knowledge of Healthcorps New York City high school students: nutrition, mental health, and physical activity. J Sch Health; 86: 84-95.
- Yom, T., Silva, S., Stein, D., & Quest, B. (2019, April). Professional Learning Communities: Cohort Study of New York City Public Schools. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators America; 2019 Apr 9-13; Tampa, FL.
Refereed Abstracts:
- Yoo-Jeong, M., Yom, T., Kim, M., Meija, D. C.*, Lacroix-Williamson, L.*, & Lincoln, A. (2022). Gender differences in social connectedness in older people with HIV: Qualitative findings. American Public Health Association’s 150th Anniversary expo (APHA). (under-review).
- Yoo-Jeong, M., Yom, T., Kim, M., Meija, D. C.*, & Lincoln, A. (2022). Social connection and well-being in older people with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2022 United States conference on HIV/AIDS (USCHA). (under review).
Book Chapters:
- Yom, T. Evaluation Capacity Building in Legal Design. In Kim, M., Jackson, D., & Sievert, J. (Eds.). Legal Design: Dignifying People in Legal Systems. Cambridge University Press. (contract signed, chapters submission due August 2022, expected publication in 2023).
Professional Associations
- American Evaluation Association (AEA)
- Greater Boston Evaluation Network (GBEN)
- American Public Health Association (APHA)
- Society of Public Health Education (SOPHE)
EdD in Health Behavior Studies and Health Education, Columbia University
MPH in Health Education and Health Behavior, University of Michigan
BA in Asian and Asian American Studies, Stony Brook University -
617.373.6805 -
331 International Village
360 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
Techniques of Program Evaluation
PPUA 6509
Reviews methodologies for assessing the impact of public policy. Includes experimental and quasi-experimental research design, the value and limits of case studies, political and organizational barriers to evaluation research, report writing, and procedures for instituting change.