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Below are the learning outcomes for the PPE major, that are distinctive to it as an interdisciplinary major. That is, students will achieve many of the learning outcomes set forth by the different majors – Political Science, Philosophy, and Economics – and in addition to those, they will achieve the PPE specific outcomes. These include:

  1. Identify and describe key points of moral and philosophical theories as these intersect with or affect the domains of politics and economics.
  2. Develop policy recommendations, including attention to how systemic racism, gender, and other power structures shape policymaking and outcomes, and communicate these clearly orally and in writing.
  3. Recognize the functions and effects of economic institutions such as markets, and describe key ways, that racism, sexism, and structural inequality affect access to these institutions.
  4. Form and communicate original arguments about complex philosophical, moral and political ideas.
  5. Draw upon and combine theoretical approaches including those of feminist, post-colonial, and anti-racist lenses in order to analyze specific social, economic, and political issues at the global, national, or local levels.