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 Honorific Awards List

Please use this form to enter the main honorific awards or fellowships in your discipline(s) or interdisciplinary field(s). These are not necessarily the ones that your department/program has received, but the ones that are recognized as prestigious or highly prestigious. To be filled out by chair or director on behalf of the unit.

Honorific Awards Initiative Form

Name of the highly prestigous award or fellowship
Please include website url for award or fellowship, if available. Please click the plus icon to add each new award or fellowship. There is a max of 100 line items. Highly prestigious awards include disciplinary-level recognitions, such as lifetime achievement awards, memberships in academies, disciplinary best book awards, etc. Highly prestigious fellowships should include our current fellowship top-off list, but if you know of other fellowships that meet the same criteria please include them here too.
Name of the prestigous award or fellowship
Please include website url for award or fellowship, if available. Please click the plus icon to add each new award or fellowship. There is a max of 100 line items. Prestigious awards or fellowships include those that do not meet the criteria for highly prestigious. For example, best article prizes, sub-field awards, junior faculty-specific awards, etc.