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January 2014 Endnotes

The partnership between Northeastern, 826 Boston, and O’Bryant School in Roxbury provides free writing services to high school children.

The Punishment Imperative

Associate Professor of Criminology Natasha Frost explores the issue of mass incarceration in a book she co-authored and recently published with New York University Press. The Punishment Imperative: The Rise and Failure of Mass Incarceration in America studies the development of America’s increasingly severe criminal justice system and offers policy solutions designed to change the country’s approach to punishment. More information about Frost’s book can be found here.

Untold History of the Cold War

Assistant Professor of History Gretchen Heefner’s book, The Missile Next Door: Cold War Minuteman in the America Heartland, was recently selected as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title of 2013 for its excellence in scholarship and presentation, the significance of its contribution to the field, and its value as important treatment of the subject. Her book, which takes an in-depth look at an untold segment of rural America’s role in the Cold War, also received a featured review in the American Historical Review. The full review can be found here.

John Kwoka Speaks at INC Teleseminar

Finnegan Distinguished Professor of Economics John Kwoka was one of just four speakers invited to participate in an international teleseminar hosted by the International Competition Network. The teleseminar, held on December 19, 2013, focused on analytical methods for merger policy and was watched by personnel from competition agencies in Russia, El Salvador, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Brazil, and several other countries.

The Digital Caribbean

Professors Nicole Aljoe and Elizabeth Maddock Dillon of the Department of English have received the 2013 Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) Excellence in Digital Humanities award in recognition for their work on the Early Caribbean Digital Archive, an interactive digital lab containing a variety of material for the study of pre-20th century Caribbean literature.

Workshop and Partnership in the French Caribbean

Professor of Political Science William Miles and Assistant Professor of English Nicole Aljoe, along with graduate students Elizabeth Hopwood and Benjamin Doyle, participated in a French Government- and Mellon Foundation-sponsored workshop at the University of the French West Indies in Martinique in December 2013. The aim of this workshop, under the PUF partnership, was to “reexamine the Western tradition of international studies from a perspective that reintroduces the crucial role of non-Western territories in the birth of the discipline, and in particular the Caribbean.”

A Commitment to Writing

The Writers Room, a partnership between Northeastern’s Writing Program and 826 Boston, recently received a commitment from the Cabot Family Charitable Trust. The project, spearheaded by Northeastern English professors Chris Gallagher and Neil Lerner, launched last September and provides pedagogically sound individual and small-group writing support and teacher training at the O’Bryant School in Roxbury. This commitment will allow the 826 Boston staff and Northeastern University student tutors to increase the number of students reached by the program.

Research in Ukraine and Russia

History graduate student, Regina Kazyulina recently received a Title VII Grant Advanced Research Fellowship from the American Councils for International Education. Under direction of Professor Jeffrey Burds, she plans to conduct research on the German occupation during World War II in Ukraine and Russia.

A Study of Poland’s Triumphant Economy

Professor of Political Science Mitchell Orenstein’s article “Six Markets to Sell: Poland: From Tragedy to Triumph,” appeared in the January/February 2014 issue of Foreign Affairs. The article examines the rapid growth of Poland’s economy after its tumultuous past. Professor Orenstein also participated in a panel discussion on the new emerging markets of Poland, South Korea, and Turkey at the Council on Foreign Relations. Watch the Foreign Affairs Live video here.

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