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Lisa Laguerre

Director of Community Relations, Center on Crime, Race, and Justice

Lisa Laguerre is the Director of Community Relations for the Center on Crime, Race, and Justice (CRJ) at Northeastern University. She received her Master of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and Clinical Counseling Psychology from Northeastern University and is currently working on completing her LMHC and PhD.

Previously, Lisa was with the Institute on Race and Justice at Northeastern University since 2002 and has been instrumental in bridging the voice, participation and expertise of community practitioners into IRJ’s research initiatives and projects. Toward this end, Lisa has developed and directs the activity of the Institute’s Community Advisory Board. IRJ’s Community Advisory Board consists of ten prestigious local community practitioners who have expertise in various areas of community practice, including criminal justice, education, workforce development, advocacy and youth development. Under her leadership, the Community Advisory Board has worked with IRJ on several research projects and initiatives including, the Massachusetts Statewide Racial and Gender Profiling Study; producing and delivering a Train the Trainer Curriculum on Biased Based Policing and Policing in a Diverse Society for the Massachusetts Municipal Police Institute; and the Boston Citizen Oversight report which was submitted to the City of Boston, offering recommendations to improve citizen involvement in the Boston Police complaint process.

Lisa represents CRJ in several community initiatives and assists with the overall management and strategic planning of the Center. Her areas of expertise are community engagement, board development, strategic planning, race and social justice, criminal justice, community counseling and behavioral health. In addition, Lisa serves as a member of Northeastern University’s Institutional Review Board and is a Mental Health Clinician at Children’s Services of Roxbury, where she provides behavioral health services for children and families.