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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Alicia Sasser Modestino, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and Economics; Research Director, Dukakis Center

Northeastern University Summer Scholars Program

City of Boston

Amy Farrell, Director and Professor of Criminology and Criminal  Justice; Co-Director of the Violence and Justice Research Lab

Understanding the Scope and Nature of Forced Criminality in the United States

National Institute of Justice | New York University

Bilge Erten, Associate Professor of Economics and International Affairs

Industrial Policies in the US for a Sustainable Economy with Good Quality Jobs

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation | The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York

Briony Swire-Thompson, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Psychology

Cancer Misinformation on Social Media and its Correction

National Institutes of Health

Candice Delmas, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Political Science

Getty Lustila, Assistant Teaching Professor of Philosophy and Religion

Native American, Indigenous, and Land-Based Social and Political Philosophy

National Endowment for the Humanities

Cassie McMillan, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminology and Criminal Justice

The Impact of Longitudinal Social Networks on Young Adult Substance Use and Misuse

National Institutes of Health

Candice Delmas, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Political Science

The Only Weapon Left:  a Theory of Hunger Strike

Collegium de Lyon Fellowship

David Lazer, University Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Computer Sciences

John Wihbey, Associate Professor of Media Innovation & Technology

Internet Democracy Initiative 

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Eric Piza, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice and Director of Crime Analysis Initiatives

Exploring Officer Patrol Behaviors Using Automated Vehicle Locator and Body-Worn Camera Data in Kansas City, Missouri

National Institute of Justice

Joan Fitzgerald, Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs

Alicia Sasser Modestino, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and Economics; Research Director, Dukakis Center

Green New Deal Workforce Needs Assessment Study

City of Boston

Julia Garrett, Associate Teaching Professor in English

The Power of Our Stories: Testimonios from Boston’s Immigrant Women

Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities

Liza Weinstein, Department Chair; Associate Professor of Sociology

Angel Nieves, Dean’s Professor of Public and Digital Humanities and Professor of Africana Studies and History

Mario Hernandez, Assistant Professor of Sociology (Mills College)

Geography and Justice in the Public Humanities

National Endowment for the Humanities

Matt Ross, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Economics

Program to Monitor and Prohibit Racial Profiling in Connecticut

Connecticut Department of Transportation/ UCONN sub

Megan Denver, Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice

2023 Shannon CSI Statewide Youth Violence Research Partner Application

Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security

Ron Sandler, Professor of Philosophy; Director, Ethics Institute

The Ethics of Conservation Biotechnology: A Conceptual Engineering Approach

National Endowment for the Humanities

Vance Ricks, Associate Teaching Professor of Philosophy and Computer Science

Meica Magnani, Assistant Teaching Professor of Philosophy and Computer Science

Summer Training Program on Responsible Computing Education


Ellen Cushman, Dean’s Professor of Civic Sustainability; Professor of English

Cherokee Lifeways: Hidden Literacies of Collective Action

National Endowment of the Humanities

Chad Lee-Stronach, Assistant Professor of Philosophy

The Foundations of Informational Justice

Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University

John Portz, Professor of Political Science; Director, Master and PhD Programs in Political Science

Teaching, Advising, and Research in India

Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award/Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

Simon Rabinovitch, Stotsky Associate Professor in Jewish Historical and Cultural Studies

Fulbright Specialist: Isaac and Jesse Kaplan Jewish Museum, South Africa

Fulbright Specialist Program/Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

Jennie Stephens, Dean’s Professor of Sustainability Science and Policy

Climate Justice, Fossil Fuel Phaseout, and Reimagining the Role of Higher Education

Radcliffe-Salata Climate Justice Fellowship/Harvard Radclifffe Institute