Undergraduate Publishes Macroeconomic Analysis on the World Stage
A paper that originated as a Northeastern writing assignment is now in the hands of world leaders. Patrick McQuillan, an international affairs and economics major, published his analysis of the Eurozone debt crisis, and why a Greek or German exit from the EU would be unwise, in the Diplomatic Courier (online). The article was also published in the G8 Summit Magazine and The Official International Chamber of Commerce G20 Advisory Group Publication, and distributed to delegates and media at both the G8 and G20/B20 Summits. To read the article, click here.
Climbing Mount Laurel
Len Albright, an assistant professor of sociology and public policy, explores social mobility in a book he co-authored and recently published through Princeton University Press. Climbing Mount Laurel: The Struggle for Affordable Housing and Social Mobility in an American Suburb examines Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey, the community at the center of a series of Supreme Court cases ruling on low-and moderate-income housing. Learn more about the book’s findings and Albright’s research here.
Where Have All the Summer Jobs Gone?
Professor of Economics Andrew Sum, director of Northeastern’s Center for Labor Market Studies, has written extensively on the youth labor market, and the Center’s annual teen summer employment report received attention this summer from national media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe, the Chicago Tribune, and the Huffington Post. Professor Sum also helped produce a series of features on youth employment for PBS’s NewsHour with Paul Solman. To view Professor Sum’s interview on the youth job market, click here.
The First MOOC in Philanthropy
Rebecca Riccio, director of Northeastern Students4Giving, is teaching how to give money away responsibly in the first-ever Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in philanthropy. In partnership with the Learning by Giving Foundation, Riccio launched the course over the summer and students are currently voting on which nonprofit organizations will receive $100,000 in total of Warren Buffett’s money. The course has received national attention from The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, and The Washington Post, as well as from news@Northeastern.
2013-14 Collaborative Research Clusters
Seven research clusters received funding from the Humanities Center’s 2013-14 Collaborative Research Cluster program. These clusters gather participants across disciplines and colleges to facilitate productive discussions and collaborations among scholars on a shared interest. For more information on the 2013-14 participants, click here.
Recognition for Research on Violence
Carlos Cuevas, an associate professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice received several honors for his article, “Interpersonal Victimization among a National Sample of Latino Women.” The article, which examines multiple forms of victimization that Latino women may experience, received the Best of Violence Research of 2012 award by the Psychology of Violence journal. The editorial board of Violence Against Women has also nominated the same article for the 2012 Best Article Award.
A Study in Human Empathy
Sociologists Arnold Arluke and Jack Levin presented their most recent study at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. CBS News and Boston Magazine both picked up the study, which found that the college students surveyed exhibited more empathy towards dogs of any age than towards human adults. The Northeastern research blog InSolution also covered the story here.
Obama’s Defense of Surveillance
In a letter to The New York Times, Professor of Philosophy Stephen Nathanson reacted to President Obama’s statement that Edward J. Snowden’s actions were unpatriotic. Professor Nathanson, an expert in economic justice and political philosophy, explained that, “Whether Mr. Snowden is a patriot and whether he acted rightly are two different questions.” To read his published letter, click here.
How We Use Cell Phones During an Emergency
Nearly half of Bostonians learned about the Boston Marathon bombing from the TV, according to a new report released by David Lazer, a professor of political science and computer and information sciences. Professor Lazer’s lab continues to study how people communicate during and after emergencies. To learn more about the lab’s most recent findings, read the full report here or read the InSolution blog’s coverage here.
Making Tomorrow Happen Campaign
The university has embarked on a marketing campaign featuring Northeastern researchers who are collaborating on interdisciplinary research in several key areas, such as secure environments, urban sustainability, and infrastructure resilience. The campaign, Making Tomorrow Happen, has highlighted several CSSH faculty members so far, including Steve Flynn, Amy Sliva, Matthias Ruth, and Phil Brown. To learn more about the campaign, visit the campaign’s website at northeastern.edu/tomorrow.