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Bianca Yeager

History, Culture, and Law, BA
Criminal Justice Minor

Graduated in 2023

Bianca landed at Northeastern University after originally beginning her undergraduate education at the University of Liverpool in the U.K., studying Philosophy and Hispanic Studies. Originally from the United States, Bianca grew up in various countries including the U.K., Kenya, Colombia, and Honduras. Once she returned to the U.S.,  Bianca spent a few years in the restaurant industry before deciding to return to school. She found that her experience living in different countries inspired her to declare a major in History, Culture, and Law once at CSSH.

Bianca’s Path

“The major makes you realize how much history, culture, and law all blend into each other—there are the courses that train you to think like a lawyer, but then you learn about the history of Roman, civil, and common law, and how that evolves throughout different cultural traditions. It is so expansive and flexible.”

Bianca aspires to become a lawyer and work on immigration policy, and is currently studying at BU Law.

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