Justin Haner
PhD Candidate in Political Science
Justin Haner is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at Northeastern University, specializing in international relations and comparative politics. He has a strong background and interest in global governance and international security. Justin has taught International Relations and Research Methods at Northeastern.

Research Interests
Justin’s research is focused on topics at the intersection of international security and global governance. He uses advanced quantitative techniques paired with archival research to highlight the security benefits of multilateral cooperation and the importance of defending the rules-based international order against rising isolationism and ongoing efforts to undermine international law. From traditional security issues to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, Justin’s studies focus on the transformative power that international law and institutions can have on solving complex global and regional security problems.
Prior Work
Prior to starting his Ph.D. at Northeastern, Justin was a Captain in the United States Army Infantry. He served as the Executive Officer to the United Nations Command Honor Guard in the Republic of Korea where he led a multinational force in providing security and support for various high-level diplomats. Justin also served as a Mechanized Infantry Platoon Leader where he led a multinational rapid response unit just south of the Demilitarized Zone.
Justin completed his undergraduate study at Northeastern University, where his curiosity about international security and justice led him to concurrently earn a B.S. in Criminal Justice and a B.A. in International Affairs. In 2010, he spent a semester volunteering at an orphanage in Argentina and planting old-growth trees in the Peruvian Amazon. While no longer in the armed forces, Justin continues his public service as a Representative Town Meeting member in Walpole, MA. he has co-sponsored and fought for two pieces of legislation that have been passed into law. The first was a resolution to get his town to 100% renewable energy by 2050. The second was a pair of articles to update the elected official titles to make them gender-neutral to encourage a more inclusive and diverse group of local leaders.
Haner, J.K., Knake, R.K., “Breaking Botnets: A Quantitative Analysis of Individual, Technical, Isolationist, and Multilateral Approaches to Cybersecurity”, Journal of Cybersecurity (2021), Volume 7 (1). DOI: 10.1093/cybsec/tyab003
Haner, J.K., Garcia, D. “The Artificial Intelligence Arms Race: Trends and World Leaders in Autonomous Weapons Development”, Global Policy (2019), Volume 10 (3), pp. 331-337. DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12713
Articles Under Review
Justin Haner and Rob Knake “Breaking Botnets: A Quantitative Analysis of Individual, Technical, Isolationist, and Multilateral Approaches to Cybersecurity”
Conference Presentations
“Quantifying Anarchy in International Relations: Computational Treaty Analysis” Junior Scholar Symposium, International Studies Association Annual Convention, Nashville, TN (March 30 – April 2)
“Organizing Peace: Reducing International Systemic Disorder and the Chance of War” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (September 10 – 13, 2020)
“Organizing Nations: A Quantitative Analysis of International Organization, War, and Peace” Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom (June 25 – 27, 2020)
“Breaking Botnets: A Quantitative Analysis of Global Cybersecurity Policies” International Studies Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada (March 27 – 30, 2019)
“Defeating Distributed Cyber-Attacks: Multilateral Defense Systems for Global Cyber-Threats” International Studies Association – South, Ashland, VA (October 12 – 13, 2018)
“Lethal Artificial Intelligence Systems and the Implications for International Relations” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Security Studies Collaborative Research Cluster, Boston, MA (August 30 – September 2, 2018)
Co-organizer, Panel Chair, and Discussant: International Security Graduate Student Conference. Boston, MA (February 23, 2018)
“Regime Type and Domestic Terrorism.” Northeastern Political Science Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA (November 9 – 11, 2017 )
“Transitional Theory of Terrorism.” International Studies Association – Northeast Annual Convention, Providence, RI (November 3-4, 2017 )
“Terror in Transition: An Analysis of Regime Type, Regime Change, and Domestic Terrorism.” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Northeastern Security Studies Working Group, San Francisco, CA (August 31 – September 3, 2017 )
Degrees earned and institution:
MA, Political Science, Northeastern University
BA, International Affairs, Northeastern University
BS, Criminal Justice, Northeastern University
Research Interests: Mixed-methods analysis of international security and global governance topics, including: interstate war, international law, great power conflicts, global and regional intergovernmental organizations, lethal autonomous weapons, and cybersecurity.
Contact info:
960A Renaissance Park
Twitter: @JustinKHaner
Website: JustinKHaner.com