The following information is subject to change.
For the most up-to-date and comprehensive course schedule, including meeting times, course additions, cancellations, and room assignments refer to the Banner Class Schedule on the Registrar’s website. For curriculum information, see the Undergraduate Full-Time Day Programs catalog.
Africana Studies Courses
Instructor: Natalie Shibley
CRN: 36031
Days, Time: MR 11:45 – 1:25 PM
Examines the basic tenets of “scientific objectivity” and foundational scientific ideas about race, sex, and gender and what these have meant for marginalized groups in society, particularly when they seek medical care. Introduces feminist science theories ranging from linguistic metaphors of the immune system, to the medicalization of race, to critiques of the sexual binary. Emphasizes contemporary as well as historical moments to trace the evolution of “scientific truth” and its impact on the U.S. cultural landscape. Offers students an opportunity to develop the skills to critically question what they “know” about science and the scientific process and revisit their disciplinary training as a site for critical analysis. Cross-listed with HIST 1225 and WMNS 1225.
Instructor: Kabria Baumgartner
CRN: 38092
Days, Time: T 11:45 – 1:25 PM; R 2:50 – 4:30 PM
Delves into the fascinating stories of African Americans who have called New England home, from the seventeenth century up to the present. Discusses themes such as freedom and slavery, migration, and civil rights. Introduces an interdisciplinary framework for understanding Black identity formation, activism, and cultural as well as intellectual traditions amid the long struggle for justice.
Instructor: Matthew Lee
CRN: 35154
Days, Time: MR 11:45 – 1:25 PM
Examines racism, racial identity, and theories of social change and racial empowerment primarily
within the U.S. context. Highlights different ways in which racism and racial privilege have been experienced by different racial communities, more specifically at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels. Offers students an opportunity to learn ways to promote racial empowerment and equity. Using theory from primarily psychology and sociology, the course investigates the impact of social systems and institutions on individual-level and group experiences of racism. Investigates students’ own racial identities, a deeper understanding of institutional inequalities and intersectionality, and practical skills in leadership and community building that can promote positive social change and racial equality. This course is cross-listed with HUSV and SOCL 2325.
Instructor: Margaret Burnham
CRN: 38093
Days, Time: TF 3:25pm-5:05pm
Explores the various questions, relationships, and connections between the law and racial issues and concepts. Each offering focuses on a special topic such as reparations, civil rights, gender, or the environment and energy policies. May be repeated up to three times for a maximum of 16 credits.
Instructor: Richard Wamai
CRN: 32502
Days, Time: TF 1:35pm-3:15pm
This course introduces global health in the context of an interdependent and globalized world focusing on four main areas of analysis: infrastructure of global health; diseases; populations; and terms, concepts and theories. While our focus is on lower-income countries, the course examines issues in a broader global context underscoring the interconnections between global health disparities and global health policy response. Case studies describing interventions to improve healthcare in resource-poor settings in sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere are applied to help illuminate the actors, diseases, populations and principles and frameworks for the design of effective global health interventions.
Instructor: Annakay Wright
CRN: 38094
Days, Time: MW 2:50 – 4:30 PM
This class provides an introduction to Black feminisms through the lens of literature, criticism, and popular culture. With intersectionality as our guiding theoretical framework, we will consider the origins, development, and practice of Black feminisms in multiple contexts. Through our readings and discussions, we will explore the dimensions and the contours of Black feminist inquiry. Throughout the semester we will read various fiction and nonfiction works by Black women writers to provide definitions of Black feminism, and to explore how the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality figure in literary works.
Asian Studies Courses
Crosslisted as HIST 1150
Instructor: Michael Thornton
CRN: 30339
Days, Time: MWR 1:35-2:40 PM
NUPath: DD, IC
Description: Key course in both the major and the minor. East Asian Studies is a multidisciplinary introduction to the study of China, Korea, Japan, and adjacent regions from antiquity to the present, mainly through historical and literary texts. Course is taught in English by staff from the History Department and is open to registered Northeastern University students.
CRN: 39481
Days, Time: 9:15-10:20 AM
Room: Cullinane Building Room 105
Description: Examines the impact of Asian immigrant communities on U.S. political, economic, social, and cultural life and their encounters with racial, political, and economic discrimination from the nineteenth century to the present.
Crosslisted as POLS 3485
Instructor: Dennis Kwok
CRN: 38373
Days, Time: MW 2:50-4:30 PM
Room: 309 Kariotis Hall
Description: Focuses on China’s political system and the major issues confronted: leadership recruitment and succession, economic policies and development, class and class struggle, political culture and socialization, human rights, civil society, the media, and both internal and external security concerns. Examines how ideology, development, culture, and the pursuit of China’s national interest affect governance.
Prerequisite(s): POLS 1155 with a minimum grade of D-
Culture Courses
Instructor: West-Duran, Alan
Days, Time: MWR 10:30am-11:35am
Examines the rich interconnections between literature and language and the culture that supports them. Discusses the relationship of language to literature and investigates how language and literatures are embedded in culture. Addresses several very broad and important questions, such as the relationship between language and culture; the relationship between language and thought; the definition of cultural relativism; and how ethical dilemmas are expressed in different cultures. Explores the relationship of esthetic and rhetorical traditions in given languages to the culture from which they sprang. In this context, examines the extremely interesting case of American Sign Language and how a gestural language sheds light on these issues.
Instructor: Buscaglia, Jose
Days, Time: MW 2:50pm-4:30pm
Examines contemporary works of cinematography in Latin America, focusing on the culture and imagery of the Spanish-, French-, and Portuguese-speaking peoples of the Western hemisphere, including the United States. Critically engages—from a technical (cinematographic), genre, and sociohistorical perspective—topics of history, memory, and cultural resiliency; colonialism, racism, and patriarchy; dictatorship, revolution, and democratization; and nationalism, dependency, and globalization. Conducted in English; most films are in French, Portuguese, or Spanish with English subtitles.
Instructor: Cullen, Jennifer
Days, Time: TF 1:35pm-3:15pm
Provides an introduction to Japanese film through works by such great masters as Kurosawa, Mizoguchi, and Ozu, as well as works by new directors from the 1980s and 1990s such as Tami, Morita, and Suo. Studies both form and content; relates major works to Japanese culture. Conducted in English.
Instructor: Thornton, Michael
Days, Time: MWR 9:15am-10:20am
Introduces modern Chinese history and culture through literary works, films, and historical texts. Examines political, social, and cultural changes in China since 1800: the decline of empire; the New Culture Movement of the 1920s; the rise of nationalism and rural revolution; the changing roles of women; the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s; and China’s cinematic, literary, and economic engagement with the world since 1978. Taught in English and open to all undergraduates. CLTR 1500 and HIST 1500 are cross-listed.
Instructor: Griffiths, Joshua
Days, Time: MW 2:50pm-4:30pm
Explores contemporary France and French mentality through lectures, screenings, readings, and discussions. Topics covered include the modern vs. the traditional family, social reproduction, gender norms, culture and social distinction, the concept of “grandeur,” identity, and immigration. Offers students an opportunity to evaluate historical and sociological readings, films, documentaries, and TV commercials; to compare French and American systems; and to consider contemporary human and social behaviors in the face of globalization.
Instructor: Maiellaro, Luigia
Days, Time: MR 11:45am-1:25pm
Explores the construction of an Italian national cultural identity through a historical and cross-disciplinary perspective from the Middle Ages; the Renaissance; and the modern, post–WWII period. Organized into modules that focus on the major issues related to the idea of unity and division such as north and south divide, regionalism, language pluralism, fascism and dissent, criminal organizations, and migration. Conducted in English.
Instructor: Cullen, Jennifer
Days, Time: TF 9:50am-11:30am
Provides an introduction to Japanese popular culture through critical analysis of mass media such as film, television, comics, and animation. Investigates various social and cultural issues, such as gender, family, and education. Films and videos supplement readings. Conducted in English.
Instructor: West-Duran, Alan
Days, Time: MW 2:50pm-4:30pm
Introduces the study of world cinema from the past several decades as a form of artistic and cultural expression. Emphasizes the way that different ethnicities and cultures mix and even clash within national boundaries. Readings cover such topics as the postcolonial inheritance, immigration, the boundaries of class, the pressures of modernization, ethnic identities, and historical memory. Examines storytelling in its multicultural aspects and deals with the diverse influences of entertainment cinema and art cinema, as well as measures taken by countries to limit the influx of foreign films in order to protect their own cultural productivity. One overall concern of the course is the place of film in contemporary global culture.
Instructor: Noemi Voionmaa, Daniel
Days, Time: MWR 1:35pm-2:40pm
Offers an overview of the major trends in Latin American narrative, poetry, drama, and essays, from Bernal Diaz through Borges and Bolaño. Studies broad cultural and political contexts, especially the Cold War period and the impact of neoliberalism. Conducted in Spanish.
Courses by Requirement
All courses excluding core courses