Adam Agostinelli

Part-Time Lecturer in English
Adam spent the past decade teaching English in the U.S. and Korea in both K-12 and higher education settings. His passion for teaching has led to an interest in researching and writing about language acquisition and student mobility in international contexts. He is is currently pursuing his PhD in Teaching, Curriculum and Society from Boston College.
*Agostinelli, A., & McQuillan, P. (Forthcoming, 2020). How Preservice Content Teacher Background Qualities Influence
*Agostinelli, A., (Forthcoming, 2021). Teaching international Students in Western Universities: A Literature Review. Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education.
Agostinelli, A.V., (2019). Second Language Identities of International Teaching Assistants in the U.S. Classroom. Louisiana State University Faculty Publications: LSU Digital Commons. Link
*Agostinelli, A. (2018). Korean EFL College Students in Foreign Contexts: A Second Language Identity Study. Korea TESOL Journal, Volume 14. Link
*Agostinelli, A. (2017). Dealing with Diversity in a Traditionally Homogenous EFL Classroom. NYSTESOL Idiom, Summer Issue. Link
*Agostinelli, A. (2017). The Second Language Identity of Korean Midshipmen during Cruise Training. International Maritime English Conference Proceedings. Link
Shirley, D., Kim, D., Wortham, S., Cho, E., Lee, J., Kang, Y., Agostinelli, A., Kim, H., Yang, S., & Pu., M. (2019). Hyukshin schools in Seoul, South Korea: An interim report [a technical report]. Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Seoul, South Korea. (Role: Research Assistant & Writer). Link
Agostinelli, A. (2020). The Selection Process for International Assistants: A Cross-University Report. Office of International Students and Scholars & Center for International Higher Education Year in Review (p. 16), Boston College.
Agostinelli, A. (2020). International Students who Remained in the U.S. Post-COVID19: A Report on BC Students. Office of International Students and Scholars & Center for International Higher Education Year in Review (p. 16), Boston College.
*Indicates that it was peer reviewed and accepted
MA Applied Linguistics
PhD Candidate in Teaching, Curriculum & Society -
Office Hours
Fridays 10am-12:30pm and by appointment

First-Year Writing for Multilingual Writing
ENGW 1102
Designed for students whose first or strongest language is not English. Students study and practice writing in a workshop setting; read a range of texts in order to describe and evaluate the choices writers make and apply that knowledge to their own writing; explore how writing functions in a variety of academic, professional, and public contexts; and write for various purposes and audiences in multiple genres and media. Offers students an opportunity to learn how to conduct research using primary and secondary sources and to give and receive feedback, to revise their work, and to reflect on their growth as writers.