Professor Emeritus
Inez Hedges is professor emeritus and previously professor of cultures, societies and global studies. She is the founder of the Program in Cinema Studies at Northeastern University and teaches courses in world cinema, French film, German literature and film, French film, and Palestinian and Israeli film. She was appointed as Stotsky Professor of Jewish Historical and Cultural Studies for 2006-09. Her most recent book, World Cinema and Cultural Memory (2015) examines the way films have contributed to radical or oppositional thinking in cultures as diverse as Chile, Cuba, Palestine, post-Franco Spain, France, and East Germany. Her earlier book, Framing Faust: 20th Century Cultural Struggles (2005), traces the role of the Faust myth in some of the most important historical events and traumas of the past century: the rise of Nazism and the Cold War, but also the birth of feminism and of cinema, and the experiments of socialism and the avant-garde. Her previous books, Breaking the Frame (1991) and Languages of Revolt (1983), explored questions of film and philosophy while discussing art, literature and film. She is the author of two plays on the French Shoah and resistance during WWII and is working on a third.
- Modern Language Association
- American Comparative Literature Association
- German Studies Association
- Institut für Kritische Theorie (Berlin)
Ph.D., 1976, Comparative Literature
University of Wisconsin -
617.373.3654 i.hedges@northeastern.edu -
225B RP
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115