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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

The College of Social Sciences and Humanities has long been committed to fostering a community of belonging for our students, faculty, and staff. Belonging, as well as questions of race, racism and anti-racism, are part of all our programs, all our research centers, our three areas of strategic focus—and are always work in progress. At the same time, we focus on how modes of constructing social hierarchies, including race, gender, sexuality, class, caste, and others, intersect with one another.

Our Experiential Liberal Arts model, with its strong focus on teaching and researching social justice and encouraging engagement beyond the classroom and the university, provides particular opportunities for attracting and retaining faculty, students, and staff from historically underrepresented groups.

Our focus on community engagement and experiential learning—from co-op to experiential PhD semesters—is important in this context, as are our efforts to integrate Digital and Public Humanities for the representation of historically underrepresented voices, and our efforts to bring social science and humanities approaches to public policy work, including work on social disparities.

To learn more about ongoing work and initiatives, we invite you to read about the racial literacy popup course and event series, racial justice cluster searches, Anti-Racism and Culture and other pages in CSSH topics, social justice research, and op-eds for a broader public.

Featured Stories

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Shalanda Baker

How the first-ever U.S. energy justice leader develops ideas

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AAPI Awareness

The New Organization behind NU’s Asian-American Healing Space

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A Guide to Racial Literacy

Reflecting on a Semester of Racial Literacy

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Our mission

  1. We seek to foster critical engagement with questions of identity, oppression, privilege, and inequality in our classrooms and beyond;
  2. We are committed to confronting the barriers to full inclusion of historically excluded underrepresented groups in all aspects of the community deepening the cultural understandings of every member. 
  3. We work together create a community where all members value and respect differences, share a sense of belonging, and fully participate;
  4. We continue our ongoing work in recruiting and retaining an excellent and diverse community of students, staff and faculty;
  5. We provide training to support inclusive practices in our teaching, research, service and community engagement.