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Social Impact-athon a Conversation about COVID-19 Impacts

Social Impact-athon

The devastation wrought by COVID-19 calls upon us to utilize the toolkit that defines who we are as members of the Social Impact Lab Community: Ways of Thinking about complex and dynamic systems, Ways of Being that embody social justice values, and Ways of Doing that unleash our individual and collective potential to make a difference during this difficult time.

This week over 60 undergraduate students, graduating seniors, and alumni are taking part in two virtual Social Impact-athons for COVID-19 that we’re running in partnership with the Human Services Program and the University Scholars Program. Collaborating across many time zones in Slack, participants will end the week by awarding $20,000 to Boston nonprofits working to help low income and vulnerable communities whose risk of financial, housing, and food insecurity has been exacerbated by the pandemic.

This video offers a peak into the conversations we’re having in the Social Impact-athon. Thanks to our guests, Human Services Program Director Lori Gardinier, Dukakis Center Director Ted Landsmark and to Moderator and Social Impact Lab Director Rebecca Riccio. It’s a privilege to work with them and all the past and current NS4G and SIL students who remain committed to learning to make a difference in a complex world.

Watch the video here.

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