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Headshot of Theodore Landsmark

Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs; Director, Kitty and Michael Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy

Ted Landsmark has been a civic planner, civil rights and equity advocate, higher education administrator, arts and culture researcher, and community-engaged social activist in Boston and nationally. He serves on the leadership committee of the Northeastern University Faculty Senate.

As Director of the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy, Professor Landsmark oversees inter-disciplinary research on urban policy matters, including housing, gentrification, economic development, civic engagement, school design, comprehensive services, transportation, resilience, and public service. Dr. Landsmark teaches the Open Classroom on community engagement in policy planning and design, racial equity and civic justice, and Capstone courses. He has convened an annual conference on equitable policy engagement. His research and practice interests include diversity in environmental design and education, higher education administration, community-based economic development, historic preservation, resilience and sustainability, and African American artisanry.

As Mayor Walsh’s first appointment to the Boston Planning and Development Agency’s Board of Directors, Landsmark has brought to the board a wealth of expertise in architecture, urban design, civic leadership, architectural and construction law, and community advocacy. Since joining the board, the agency has rebranded, held hundreds of community meetings annually, planned and facilitated the development of over $50 billion in real estate including 35,000 housing units, ~30% of which have been income-restricted, and generated over $15 million in jobs training and affordable housing funds. During his seventeen-year tenure as president and CEO of the Boston Architectural College, Dr. Landsmark led the growth of the school from a design center into an internationally recognized, multi-disciplinary higher education institution.  

Ted Landsmark has served as academic vice president of the American College of the Building Arts in Charleston, South Carolina, and as a faculty member and administrator at the Massachusetts College of Art, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and UMass Boston. He served as President of the National Architectural Accrediting Board and of the Association of the Collegiate School of Architects. He has also served as a trustee or board member for many non-profit organizations, including the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the American Architectural Foundation, the Design Futures Council, the Boston Society of Architects, the Trustees of Reservations, the Emerald Necklace Conservancy, the Leventhal Map Center, Historic New England, Historic Boston, and the Laguna College of Art and Design.

Related Schools & Departments

  • Education

    PhD, American and New England Studies, Boston University
    JD, Yale University
    M.Env.D., Yale University

  • Contact

  • Address

    310 Renaissance Park
    360 Huntington Avenue
    Boston, MA 02115

Theodore C.’s Colleagues

Headshot of Barry Bluestone

Barry Bluestone

Russell B. and Andree B. Stearns Trustee Professor Emeritus of Political Economy; Founding Director of the Dukakis Center; Founding Dean of the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs

Christopher Bosso

Professor of Public Policy and Political Science

Joan Fitzgerald

Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs

Headshot of Brian Helmuth

Brian Helmuth

Professor of Environmental Science and Public Policy

Timothy Hoff

Professor of Management, Healthcare Systems and Public Policy

Headshot of Dietmar Offenhuber

Dietmar Offenhuber

Associate Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and Art + Design

John Portz Headshot

John Portz

Professor of Political Science

Gavin Shatkin

Director, MS in Urban Planning and Policy; Professor of Public Policy & Architecture

Headshot of Lori Gardinier

Lori Gardinier

Director and Teaching Professor of Human Services; Senior Research Associate, Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy

Emily Mann

Emily Mann

Teaching Professor of Human Services; Senior Research Associate, Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy

Headshot of Richard O'Bryant

Richard L. O'Bryant

Director of the John D. O'Bryant African American Institute; Research Associate of the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy; Advisory Board Member, Humanities Center

Alicia Sasser Modestino

Associate Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and Economics; Research Director, Dukakis Center

Headshot of Daniel O'Brien

Daniel T. O'Brien

Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and Criminology and Criminal Justice; Director, Boston Area Research Initiative; Director, PhD in Public Policy Program

Daniel Urman

Director of Hybrid and Online Programs in the School of Law; Director of the Law and Public Policy Minor

Matthew Nisbet Headshot

Matthew C. Nisbet

Professor of Communication; Affiliate faculty in the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs