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Northeastern honors community’s highest achievements

Rhodes scholar

The three Northeastern University members that earned Fulbright Fellowships are CSSH past and current students - Nina Angeles, SSH’15,Kelsey Burn­hans, SSH’16, and Esther Laa­ninen, SSH’16—earned Ful­bright Fel­low­ships, which pro­vide grants for indi­vid­u­ally designed research projects or for Eng­lish Teaching Assis­tant pro­grams.

North­eastern Uni­ver­sity cel­e­brated the highest achieve­ments of stu­dents, fac­ulty, and staff at the sixth annualAca­d­emic Honors Con­vo­ca­tion on Thursday after­noon in East Village.

The event honors a select few who channel their extra­or­di­nary tal­ents into trans­for­ma­tive research and schol­ar­ship, excep­tional teaching and men­toring, and inno­va­tion in higher education—both on campus and around the globe.

Three mem­bers of the North­eastern com­mu­nity—Nina Angeles, SSH’15,Kelsey Burn­hans, SSH’16, and Esther Laa­ninen, SSH’16—earned Ful­bright Fel­low­ships, which pro­vide grants for indi­vid­u­ally designed research projects or for Eng­lish Teaching Assis­tant pro­grams. As Man­tella said, “These North­eastern stu­dents are accom­plished, entre­pre­neurial, and highly engaged scholars. They have become true global cit­i­zens. They trans­form ideas into impact.”

Read the full story at news@Northeastern

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