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NULab Grants Fall 2023 CFP

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The NULab is once again inviting proposals for seedling, community collaboration, travel, and events co-sponsorship grants related to digital humanities and computational social science. The deadline is November 15, 2023. Proposals should be submitted by completing this formNote that the form requires Google sign-in; if this poses a concern, you can instead submit your proposal by email to

Seedling and community collaboration grant proposals should be no more than 2 pages, and travel and co-sponsorship proposals no more than 1 page. Please see the grants process page for more information on proposal requirementspreviously funded projects are listed on the NULab’s website.  

Seedling and community collaboration grants (up to $5000) are intended to support pilot research to begin a longer-term research project. Grant funds could be used for costs such as:

  • to pay for RA time on research projects
  • to purchase data sets needed for research
  • to purchase access to tools, software, or other resources
  • to fund travel costs for meetings that are essential to initiate or further a research project
  • to compensate community partners for time engaged in collaborations

No grant of more than $5000 will typically be awarded in any given case nor will grants totaling more than $5000 be awarded to any single individual in a given year. Any NULab faculty or research affiliate may apply. Graduate students are also eligible to apply for NULab seedling and community collaboration grants, although any projects involving a budget for graduate or undergraduate student labor should have a faculty advisor. Recipients of NULab seedling and community collaboration grants are expected to: provide a project description for inclusion on the NULab website soon after the award, write a blog post on the project once it is underway, and present on the project in an informal work-in-progress session for the Digital Humanities Open Office Hours series. 

Travel grants (up to $1000) are intended to support presentation of NULab-related research at conferences, or substantive NULab-relevant professional development, such as attending a workshop. Grant recipients are expected to provide a blog post for the NULab site on the event or on their research, and are also expected to give a presentation at a NULab event. Graduate students and postdocs from CSSH, CAMD, and Khoury are eligible to apply. Assistant professors from any department are eligible to apply. No travel funding of more than $1000 will ordinarily be awarded in any given case nor will grants totaling more than $2000 be awarded to any single individual in a given academic year. Application is not contingent upon having been accepted to upcoming conferences; we encourage faculty and graduate students to apply for travel grants relating to conferences that they have applied to, even in cases where the conference acceptance notification falls after the NULab grant deadline.

Co-sponsorships (up to $1000) are intended to support NULab-relevant speakers and events, ideally open to the public or bringing a multi-institutional or regional audience to Northeastern. Any NULab faculty or research affiliate can apply. Larger requests should make clear the benefit to a broader NULab audience.  

For all grants, awarded funds should be spent within one calendar year of the award date.

As the gap between the applications we receive and the resources we have continues to grow, we ask applicants to frame their proposed projects as piloting new initiatives and articulate their potential for future growth. That is, proposals should outline the development of new projects (rather than supporting ongoing work in established projects) and should also indicate how these projects might lead to larger initiatives and additional funding opportunities.

Please see the grants process page for full details on submission requirements.

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