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CSSH Academic Advising offers in person, virtual, and phone options for student appointments. After scheduling your appointment using the instructions on this page, please read the email you received upon confirming your appointment. This message contains important information about how to prepare for and attend your meeting.

Schedule an Appointment or view Drop-In hours:

Online via NavigateClick “Schedule an Appointment” from your Navigate home page or click the direct link below

  1. Login to  
  2. Select “Advising” for the area of the appointment.
  3. Select CSSH Academic Advising for the “Academic Advising” option
  4. Select the desired appointment reason
  5. Choose your academic advisor’s name from the drop down list

From the “Schedule Appointment” screen:

  • Students may browse an advisor’s calendar up to 3 weeks ahead and choose an open time slot.
  • If a student has a class that conflicts with an advisor’s appointment blocks, no availability will show for that block of time.
  • Students may also check an advisor’s drop-in times by clicking “View Drop Ins” at the bottom of the page.
  • Before confirming your appointment, please leave a comment describing what you need to discuss with your advisor.  The more details you provide, the more prepared your advisor will be for you. A comment is required to keep your advising appointment.

Schedule by phone: 617.373.3980

If leaving a voicemail, please leave a message about the reason for your call and include your name, NUID and phone number. A front desk worker will call you back shortly to schedule an appointment.

Schedule in person:

Come to the CSSH Advising Front Desk at 180 Renaissance Park. A front desk worker will tell you the next available time to meet with an advisor and schedule your appointment.

Each CSSH student has an academic advisor, an Undergraduate Program Director, and a co-op coordinator.

Generally, questions regarding registration, core requirements, long-term academic planning, study abroad, outstanding transfer credit or leaves of absence should be directed to an academic advisor.

Students talk to their Undergraduate Program Director about a variety of topics, including research opportunities, courses in the major, involvement within the department, and career opportunities. Students can contact their Undergraduate Program Director by calling them or stopping by the department office. Click here for a list of Undergraduate Program Directors.

For any questions related to co-op, students can meet with their co-op coordinator. To set up appointments with co-op coordinators, students should go through myNortheastern under the Co-op & Career Services tab.