The CSSH Outstanding Teaching Awards
Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor and in recognition of the excellent teaching provided by faculty and graduate students in our college, the College of Social Sciences and Humanities is pleased to provide these annual awards. Nominations are open until December 11 for the 2024-25 awards.
Award Types
Outstanding Teaching Award: Tenured/Tenure-Track: open to any tenured or tenure-track faculty member in the college.
Outstanding Teaching Award: Full-Time Non-Tenure Track: open to any full-time, non-tenure track faculty member, including lecturers, academic specialists, teaching professors, professors of the practice, and co-op coordinators.
Outstanding Teaching Award: Part-Time: open to any part-time instructor in the college.
Outstanding Teaching Award: Graduate Student: open to all graduate teaching assistants and graduate instructors of record in the college.
Winners of these awards are recognized by the college at its events and in its publications and will receive $500.
CSSH Teaching Awards Nomination Form
Nomination Process
Any member of the Northeastern community, including students, may initiate a nomination for any of the CSSH teaching awards. Nominations must include:
- A completed nomination form (on this page)
- A nomination letter describing how the nominee’s teaching meets the criteria for the award (see below)
Completed nominations will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the dean of the college. The committee will identify finalists for each award and solicit from them a set of teaching materials.
Award winners will be announced in the Spring semester. Normally, award winners will serve on the selection committee the year following their receipt of the award.
For all of the awards, the committee will be looking for evidence of:
- Excellent teaching consistent with the values and goals of the college including its commitment to the experiential liberal arts and creating diverse and inclusive learning environments
- Demonstrated positive impact on student learning and well-being
It will also consider the following criteria, as appropriate to rank and position:
- Innovation and creativity in pedagogy and curricular development
- Professional commitment to teaching and learning
- Contributions to teaching and learning communities in departments and programs, the college, the university, or beyond
- Teacher leadership-contributions to the teacher development of others.
Please contact Mai’a Cross, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion, with any questions.
To view previous award recipients, please see the Teaching Awards Archive.