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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Robert Cross

Associate Teaching Professor of History and International Affairs

Before coming to Northeastern, he taught at Colgate, Loyola Marymount, and Tufts, as well as at Vanderbilt, where he held a postdoctoral fellowship from 2012 to 2014. Dr. Cross’s broad range of research interests includes Britain, Spain, and early modern Europe, as well as the Atlantic world, empire, and all things transnational. He is preparing for publication a book and several articles on Anglo-Spanish relations, regime change, and the politics and culture of peacemaking in the seventeenth century. He has extensive teaching experience in a range of subjects, from medieval through modern Europe, the history of political thought from the ancient world to the present, world history, international affairs, and comparative colonialism and empire.

Related Schools & Departments

  • Education

    PhD, 2012, History, Princeton University

  • Contact

  • Address

    215G Renaissance Park
    360 Huntington Avenue
    Boston, MA 02115

  • Office Hours

    Thursdays 1:00-3:00pm and by appointment


Course catalog
  • Offers a senior research and writing seminar that integrates and assesses the knowledge and skills developed by students participating in the international affairs curriculum, including both experiential (co-op, Dialogue of Civilizations, study abroad, internship, or other approved international experience) and classroom-based components. Requires student self-reflection as well as new research, analysis, and writing, which culminate in a final paper and presentation. Topics include contemporary global issues and draw on relevant literature in the disciplines relating to international affairs.