At this moment in Haitian history, Freda simultaneously acknowledges our present challenge and quietly gestures toward a more hopeful future.
In the final scene, two women with a thorny relationship sit on a doorstep, clutching one another tightly as tears stream down the older woman’s face. It is an excruciating, heartbreaking conclusion that leaves the viewer with weighted heaviness.
“Gessica Généus accomplishes an enormous feat by simultaneously conveying the pain and the beauty of this current moment.
When Dr. Régine Jean-Charles asked Généus about this final scene during a conversation at Northeastern University in Boston last month, Généus said her main goal was to convey the truth. She was not invested or interested in offering a tidy happy ending for her viewers. Throughout the interview, Dr. Régine Jean-Charles and Généus were both moved to tears as they sorted through what it meant to view such a beautiful and painful film at such a challenging moment in Haitian history.
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