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Below is a rundown of how the event is structured, the schedule, and information about meals and the reception. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Event Structure

In a similar fashion to the nested IUPUI Biennial Conference on Religion and American Culture model, we will have the speakers in the middle of the room with a facilitator (Sarah) for their sessions. The small audience (composed of the other speakers and selected faculty and students from NU and other area universities) will sit around them to foster a sense of a share, collaborative table of communication.  

Each of the presenters will offer 10-15 minutes of conversation or prepared notes based on the content they submitted. After both presentations, the facilitator (Sarah) will invite the presenters to ask questions between each other, before reaching out for questions from the other guest speakers, and, finally, the audience. This type of nested conversation allows for a rich and vibrant interdisciplinary conversation. 

Location and Accessibility Details

All workshop sessions will take place in Renaissance Park, (1135 Tremont Street, Boston, MA) 9th Floor. The office is directly next to the ‘Ruggles’ T stop. A poster in the lobby will let you know you are in the right place. The Saturday reception is accessible from our office via a short walk equipped with accessible walkways. 

Please see attached campus map for more information. 

Schedule of Events

March 22, 2024

  • 4-6pm, Renaissance Park 909 
    • Methodological Precarity: On Ethnographies of Radicalism 
    • Opening Remarks: Sarah Riccardi-Swartz
    • Presenters: Agnieszka Pasieka, Nitzan Shoshan

March 23, 2024

  • 9:15-Catered breakfast available in RP 909 from Flour Bakery
  • 9:30-11:30 am, RP 909
    • Representation Ethics: Narrating Uneasy Interactions
    • Maddalena Gretel Cammelli (joining us virtually), Joyce Dalsheim, Gregory Starrett 
  • 11:30am-12:30pm, Catered lunch from Life Alive , RP 909
  • 12:45-2:45pm, RP 909
    • Theorizing Mythic Loss and Apocalyptic Replacement 
    • Sophie Bjork-James, Robert Saler (joining us virtually) 
  • 2:45-3:15pm-Break 
  • 3:15-5:15pm 
    • Utilizing Ethnographic Variation and Digital Methods
    • Larissa Miller, Melody Devries 
    • Closing remarks from Sarah Riccardi-Swartz 
  • 5:30pm 
    • Reception at the O’Bryant African American Institute (the Cabral Center), 40 Leon Street