In its final meeting of the aca d emic year, the Fac ulty Senate on Wednesday elected its chair and mem bers of the Senate Agenda Com mittee for the fol lowing year. Richard Day nard, Dis tin guished Pro fessor of Law, served as chair this year and was elected to the same role for next year.
Mary Jo Ondrechen, pro fessor in the Depart ment of Chem istry and Chem ical Biology, served as sec re tary this year and was also elected to the same posi tion for the coming year. Carey Rap pa port, pro fessor in the Depart ment of Elec trical and Com puter Engi neering and deputy director of ALERT (Center for Aware ness and Local iza tion of Explosives-Related Threats, a multi-university Depart ment of Home land Secu rity Center of Excel lence), was also reelected to the com mittee. The committee’s newly elected mem bers are Lori Lefkovitz, Rud erman Pro fessor and director of the Jewish Studies pro gram, and a pro fessor in the Depart ment of Eng lish; Javed Aslam, pro fessor of com puter and infor ma tion sci ence; and Richard Strasser, asso ciate pro fessor in the Depart ment of Music.
Stephen W. Director, provost and senior vice pres i dent for aca d emic affairs, thanked com mittee mem bers for their hard work and ded i ca tion over the last year and looked ahead to the Senate returning in the fall.
At the meeting, the Senate also passed sev eral aca d emic degree pro grams, including a bach elor of sci ence in reha bil i ta tion studies, a bach elor of sci ence in archi tec tural studies; a Ph.D. in net work sci ence; and a doctor of phi los ophy in ecology, evo lu tion, and marine biology.
– by Greg St. Martin