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BOSTON, MA: Cassie McMillan, assistant professor of sociology, criminology, and criminal justice.

Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminology and Criminal Justice

Cassie McMillan’s research applies a social networks perspective to disentangle how our connections both reproduce and challenge systems of social inequality. She is interested in developing statistical and computational methodologies that can better address these questions and applying these techniques to study adolescent delinquency, health, and immigration. In a current research project funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, she is examining how network ties that persist from adolescence to adulthood shape trajectories of tobacco, alcohol, and substance use across the life course. Results from this work will uncover new insight about the ways social network structures inform disparities in substance misuse and recovery. Other recent projects consider how normative school transitions impact youth friendship and crime, as well as the connection between adolescents’ networks and their experiences with bullying and interpersonal aggression.

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  • Roger V. Gould Prize, American Journal of Sociology, 2022.
  • Award for Best Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Advanced Science, Distributed Analytics and Information Sciences (DAIS), 2021
  • Outstanding Dissertation in Progress Award, American Sociology Association’s Mathematical Sociology Section, 2019.
  • Outstanding Graduate Paper Award, Honorable Mention, American Sociology Association’s Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Section, 2019.

McMillan, Cassie and Brittany Freelin. 2023. “School Transitions, Peer Processes, and Delinquency: A Social Network Approach to Turning Points in Adolescence.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency

McMillan, Cassie. 2022. “Worth the Weight: Conceptualizing and Measuring Strong versus Weak Tie Homophily.” Social Networks 68:139-147.

McMillan, Cassie and David R. Schaefer. 2021. “Comparing Targeting Strategies for Network-Based Adolescent Drinking Interventions: A Simulation Approach.” Social Science & Medicine 282:114-136.

Faris, Robert, Diane Felmlee, and Cassie McMillan. 2020. “With Friends Like These: Aggression from Amity and Equivalence.” American Journal of Sociology 126(3):673-713.

McMillan, Cassie. 2019. “Tied Together: Adolescent Friendship Networks, Immigrant Status, and Health Outcomes.” Demography 56(3):1075-1103.