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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology & Africana Studies

Layla D. Brown is an Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology & Africana Studies and affiliate faculty in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Brown’s research focuses on Pan-African, Socialist, and Feminist social movements in Venezuela, the US, and the broader African Diaspora. Layla was a 2020-2021 Research & Writing Fellow at the Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study and a 2021-2022 Senior Research Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research.
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Refereed Journal Articles

“The Pandemic of Racial Capitalism: Another World is Possible,” From the European South: A Transdisciplinary Journal of Postcolonial Humanities, Special Issue Surviving the Pandemic: Reflections on Intimacy, Care, Inequalities, Resistance and Transnational Solidarity (November 2020)

“Seein’ It for Wearin’ It: The Continued Relevance of Auto-ethnography for Black Feminist Anthropologists,” Taboo: The Journal of Culture & Education, Special Issue Breaking the Silence: Telling Our Stories as an Act of Resistance (September 2019)


Public Scholarship

Afro-Venezuelans: Building Solidarity with Afro-Descended People in the Americas.” Global  African Worker (blog). February 18, 2020.

Afro-Venezuelan Struggles for Constitutional Recognition.” Global African Worker (blog). September 29, 2019.

(Anti)Blackness, Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, and Guaidó’s Attempted Coup.” Black Perspectives (blog). July 9, 2019.

African American Intellectual Historical Society (AAIHS)American Anthropological Association (AAA)Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA)Association for Feminist Anthropology (AFA)Association for the Worldwide Study of the African Diaspora (ASWAD)Nacional Council for Black Studies (NCBS)National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA)Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA)


Course catalog
  • Introduces key issues, themes, and debates in feminist transnational theory, practice, and activism in contemporary contexts and how it has changed under socioeconomic, political, and cultural processes of globalization. Offers students an opportunity to discuss the impact of globalization, neoliberalism, and state and intimate violence on gendered politics and relations and to contend with the politics of difference, to debate its challenges, and to imagine possible futures for transnational gender justice.

  • Explores the broad interdisciplinary spectrum of African American and Africana studies. Provides an introductory overview of the field and offers an opportunity to identify areas for more specific focus.