Natasha Frost

Associate Dean of Research; Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice; Co-Director of the Center on Crime, Race, and Justice
Natasha Frost, Associate Dean of Research in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, is a professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice with a specialization in punishment and social control. She also currently serves as the Co-Director of the Center on Crime, Race, and Justice (CRJ). She is currently serving as Vice-President of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) and has been elected to serve as ASC President in 2025-2026.
President Elect, American Society of Criminology (2024-2025)
Vice President, American Society of Criminology (2023-2024)
- Reprinted in Smith, H. (Ed.). 2023. Promoting Wellness and Resiliency in Correctional Officers (Ch. 5). London: Routledge.
- Mears, Daniel P. and Natasha A. Frost. 2023. The role of policymakers, criminal justice administrators and practitioners, and citizens in creating, evaluating, and using evidence-based policy. Ch. 33 in B.C. Welsh, S. Zane, and D.P. Mears (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Evidence-Based Crime and Justice Policy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- St. Louis, Stacie, Carlos E. Monteiro, and Natasha A. Frost. 2023. Reducing Corrections Officer Stress by Improving Prison Climate: The Importance of Support and Safety. The Prison Journal, 103(5): 633- 654.
- Gregory M. Zimmerman, Emma E. Fridel & Natasha A. Frost. 2023. Examining Differences in the Individual and Contextual Risk Factors for Police Officer, Correctional Officer, and Non-Protective Service Suicides, Justice Quarterly.
- St. Louis, Stacie, Natasha A. Frost, Carlos E. Monteiro, and Jessica Trapassi. 2023. Occupational hazards in corrections: The impact of violence and suicide exposures on officers’ emotional and psychological health. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50(9): 1361-1379.
- Frost, Natasha A. and Carlos E. Monteiro.* 2020. The interaction of personal and occupational factors in the suicide deaths of correction officers. Justice Quarterly, 37: 1277–1302.
- Frost, Natasha A. 2022. Research training for criminal justice reform. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 47: 1204–1224.
- Wills, Candence, Kayla Bates, Natasha A. Frost & Carlos. E. Monteiro. 2021. Barriers to help-seeking among correction officers: Examining the influence of institutional culture and structure. Criminal Justice Studies, 34: 423-440.
- Frost, Natasha A. and Carlos E. Monteiro. 2020. The interaction of personal and occupational factors in the suicide deaths of correction officers. Justice Quarterly, Vol 7(7) 1277-1302.
- Frost, Natasha A. 2020. Understanding the Impacts of Officer Suicide. Corrections Today, pp. 14-18. March/April.
- Clear, Todd R. and Natasha A. Frost. 2020. Coercive mobility in an era of declining prison populations. Pp. 187-197 in Cecilia Chouhy, Joshua C. Cochran, and Cheryl Lero Jonson. (Eds.), Criminal Justice Theory: Explanations and Effects. New York: Routledge.
- Frost, Natasha A., Jessica Trapassi and Steven Heinz. 2019, in press. Public opinion and correctional privatization. Criminology & Public Policy, 18(2): 457-476.
- Huebner, Beth and Natasha A. Frost (Eds.). 2018. Handbook on the Consequences of Sentencing and Punishment Decisions. New York: Routledge.
- Todd R. Clear and Natasha A. Frost (2014). The Punishment Imperative: The Rise and Failure of Mass Incarceration in America. New York: New York University Press.
- Correction Officer Safety, Health, and Wellness
- American Society of Criminology (ASC)
- Division of Corrections and Sentencing, ASC
- Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
- Association of Doctoral Programs in Criminology and Criminal Justice
PhD, 2004, Criminal Justice with specialization in Punishment and Social Control, City University of New York
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