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Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice; Master's Program Director; Director of Big Data and Quantitative Methods Initiatives; Dean’s Leadership Fellow

Professor Gregory M. Zimmerman’s record combines strong commitment to graduate education with leading research on the spatial distribution of crime. His scholarship examines the intersection of psychological risk factors for violent offending and familial, peer, and neighborhood ecologies. Professor Zimmerman has authored over 60 scholarly articles. With colleagues and graduate students, he has published peer reviewed articles in top criminology and criminal justice journals such as Criminology, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, and Justice Quarterly. The interdisciplinary nature of Professor Zimmerman’s work has also led to publications in sociology, public health, medical, and psychology journals, including American Sociological Review, American Journal of Public Health, JAMA, Social Science and Medicine, Journal of Marriage and Family, Social Forces, Social Problems, and Journal of Youth and Adolescence. He has also published numerous book chapters and has been invited to speak at national conferences. He is currently serving as an Editorial Board member for several journals in the social sciences. Professor Zimmerman has served as co-principal investigator on projects funded externally by a variety of grant-making institutions including Arnold Ventures, the City of Boston and the Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the City of Oakland, California. His role on these projects has focused primarily on the spatial distribution of violent crime, law enforcement responses to violence, and the development of new tools to fight the opioid epidemic. 

While at Northeastern, Professor Zimmerman has demonstrated strong commitment to the experiential liberal arts, online education, diversity and inclusion, and interdisciplinary social sciences and humanities. He received a Curriculum Innovation Grant from the College of Social Sciences and Humanities for his work developing the Experiential Master’s Degree Program, and he developed the online Master’s Program in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Dr. Zimmerman has sought to increase the diversity of students who pursue graduate education through recruitment efforts and active participation in VIEW Northeastern. He has also served on the Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities Course Development Committee and the College of Social Sciences and Humanities Standing Committee on Digital Proficiencies and Quantitative Methods. He teaches at the graduate and the undergraduate levels in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, as well as Master’s and Doctoral level courses in the Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (INSH) sequence. 

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  • Education

    PhD, Criminal Justice, University at Albany; MA, Criminal Justice, University at Albany (SUNY)

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    431 Churchill Hall
    360 Huntington Ave
    Boston, MA 02115