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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Dive into the Experiential Liberal Arts

With campuses in Boston, Seattle, WA, and Arlington, VA, Northeastern’s College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH) is the home of Experiential Liberal Arts and a premier destination for advanced study and research in the social sciences and humanities. CSSH faculty members’ cutting-edge interdisciplinary work inspires the development of new programs, research fellowship opportunities, and mentoring relationships. With a degree from CSSH, you will be ready to tackle today’s most pressing social, political, and cultural issues with the data and digital skills of tomorrow.


Northeastern’s signature experiential learning program offers six-month, usually paid, full-time work experiences during the course of your study.

Access to Research

Work with faculty on grant-funded research to gain exposure and experience within labs and research centers.

Interdisciplinary Approach

Our variety of programs are integrated with other disciplines, so there are many cross-functional opportunities, including concentrations and certificates.

Graduate Pathways

Between combined majors, co-ops, concentrations, PlusOne programs, research opportunities, service learning, and more, no two CSSH students take the same path to graduation. Explore graduate student stories below.

Graduate Admissions Information

Welcome Day

Learn about Master’s and Certificate Programs at a Graduate Welcome Day

Graduate Admissions Information