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NULab Research Project: Multimodal Telegram Message Analysis

Decorative Telegram logo.

Does the subject of Telegram messages impact message views? In this study, I examined the impact of text and image content on message view counts for messages sent between 15 February 2022 and 15 March 2022 in a Telegram channel associated with the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM). My goal was to examine how multimodal computational tools can be used to inductively explore online discourse associated with an extremist group. 

Dr. Seo Eun “Sunny” Yang provided mentorship, feedback, and methodological assistance for developing this project. Datasets and code will be made available upon request.

In this exploratory study, I applied a variety of computer vision and natural language processing analysis techniques to a small dataset of Telegram messages. Telegram is a messaging application that has played a prominent role in communication during the Russia-Ukraine war. Until recently, Telegram was also favored by extremists for its privacy and security features. While the small size of the Telegram dataset limits the conclusions that can be drawn from the results of this analysis, applying these methods yields insights into which methods might be useful for future research on online discourse. I used the programming language Python to perform image and text analysis. To analyze images, I used the Google Cloud Vision API and K-Means clustering with the Python libraries Keras and Scikit-learn. I also used the Scikit-learn library, along with the spaCy library, to analyze text. In order to understand the combined impact of images and text on engagement, I ran a mixed effects regression using the Statsmodels module. While the regression provided limited evidence of the impact of text or image themes on message views, this project was still a useful learning experience for exploring different methods. Python provided me the flexibility to conduct data cleaning and multimodal analysis all in the same place. Data and code is available upon request.


My dataset includes 53 images sent as messages in a Telegram channel associated with the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM), 31 of which are accompanied by text. These messages were sent between 15 February 2022 and 15 March 2022. At the time of data retrieval, the channel had approximately 3,000 subscribers. I chose to retrieve data from a Telegram channel associated with the RIM because the online communication of extremist groups is relevant to my dissertation work on the Internet and violence. An off-shoot of the Russian Imperial Movement, the Imperial Legion, has been involved in the Russia-Ukraine war as well as other conflicts and acts of violence abroad. I chose the time period 15 February 2022 to 15 March 2022 as it includes Russia’s full scale invasion of Ukraine and escalation of the Russia-Ukraine war on 24 February 2022. Given this major event, I assume that a Telegram channel associated with a group involved in the war would be particularly active. 

To retrieve image and text data, I used the Telegram desktop application to export messages posted between 15 February 2022 and 15 March 2022, along with their attached images. To retrieve the view counts for the same messages, I used the 4Cat Capture and Analysis Toolkit to gather message metadata. I then merged the two datasets on the basis of their unique message IDs into a single table in Python. Images were kept in a separate folder, but their file names were included in the table along with the message text and view counts. To clean the text, I removed numbers, emojis, and stopwords, and converted all text to lowercase. In this project, I did not analyze emojis, however, prior work has studied emojis using Multimodal Discourse Analysis. 

Image Analysis: Computer Vision

I first explored how the Google Vision API could be used to identify various image features. To do this, I adapted code provided by Dr. Sunny Yang for accessing the API and applying it to my images. I used the API capabilities for detecting faces, entity labels (e.g. military uniform, history), and logos. The face detection typically undercounted the number of faces in the photograph, and never identified greater than 10 faces in a photo, even when more were present. The logo detection successfully detected the symbol of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Adidas’ logo, the Russian name for the National Guard of Russia on a uniform, the symbol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Russian flag, and the Serbian flag. It did not correctly detect the Ukrainian flag, the Ukrainian Trident, the Orthodox cross, or the Russian double-headed eagle. In three instances it incorrectly detected symbols or logos that were not in the image. In the first instance, a photo with the Russian flag and NATO symbol was labeled as only having the logo for the Extinction Rebellion. In the second instance, a photo with the symbols for the groups Imperial Legion and Serbian Action, as well as a Z (often associated with support for Russia), was labeled as only having the logo for Radio Zeta Rock & Pop. In the third instance, a photo with the Black-yellow-white flag of the Russian Empire and the Orthodox cross was labeled as containing the Ukrainian flag. Label detection, however, seems to provide an effective representation of the main objects and themes in a photograph and could be useful for future analysis. For example, a black and white photograph of a group of people in what appear to be 19th century military uniforms was annotated with the labels Crew, Military person, Suit, Military uniform, Military organization, Event, Uniform, History, Team, and Stock photography. 

To identify themes across the images, I used the unsupervised machine learning algorithm k-means clustering. While the K-means algorithm has been used for a variety of tasks, here, it groups images into clusters based on the image features. Images are grouped into clusters so that the images within a cluster are as similar to each other as possible, and as different as possible from images in other clusters. These automatic groupings allowed me to see which themes emerged from the set of images. To calculate the k-means image clusters, I used the Keras model VGG16 and the KMeans and PCA functions from Scikit-learn to extract the image features, reduce the number of dimensions, and calculate the clusters. To choose the number of clusters, I first graphed the sum of squared distance and the number of clusters. This graph is displayed in figure 1. 

Figure 1

Sum of Squared Distance and Number of Clusters

This graph illustrates that as the number of clusters increases the images in each cluster become more similar to each other (this is quantified as the sum of squared distance from the center of the cluster and displayed on the y-axis in figure 1). Ideally, there would be a certain number of clusters where the images in each cluster get distinctly more similar, forming an ‘elbow’ in the graph, and providing guidance on the optimal number of clusters. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be the case here. I tested models with 10, 15, and 20 clusters of images and subjectively determined how interpretable the clusters were under each model. I determined that the model with 10 clusters was the most interpretable and decided to continue my analysis with 10 clusters. 

The 53 images were grouped into the clusters People and Political/Religious Symbols, Military Vehicles, Crowds and Protests, Memorial Plaque, Old Building Photo/Illustration and Maps, Documents and Illustrations, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, Buildings and Political/Religious Symbols, Antique Photographs of People, and Military Truck. I manually labeled these clusters after reviewing their contents. While there were a few outliers in some of the clusters, for example a picture of a submarine in the Crowds and Protests cluster, the clusters do appear to accurately represent themes in the photos. In the data, clusters are labeled 0 through 9. In this paper, I label them 1 through 10 for clarity. 

Text Analysis: Natural Language Processing

In the next phases of analysis, I applied natural language processing methods to analyze the message text. To automatically extract named entities such as locations or organizations, I used the spaCy package and the pretrained pipeline ru_core_news_sm. The extracted named entities included Russia; first Russia; Novorossiya; Little Russia; Moscow; Ukraine; Kiev; Mariupol; Turiis’k; the Donetsk People’s Republic; Grozny; Ichkeria; Europe; Serbia; Serbian; Belgrade; Sarajevo; Yugoslavia; Auschwitz; the United States; NATO; the names of religious, political, and military figures; the names of other Telegram channels; the names of military, law enforcement, and government organizations; mass media (as relating to media coverage of the Russia-Ukraine war); wolf (the name of a Russian submarine); pandemic hell (used in reference to government policies regarding COVID); and motor rally (used in a message describing an image of two children standing together wearing Russian and Serbian flags at a motor rally). These named entities largely align with the focus of the Russian Imperial Movement on military, political, and religious themes. In future research, I think the extraction of place names from text using named entity recognition could be useful to incorporate in a geographically focused analysis. 

To identify themes across the messages, I used latent dirichlet allocation topic modeling from the Gensim library. Topic modeling identifies themes in text based on word co-occurrence. Since my dataset is relatively small and the messages are generally short I will likely have relatively few topics. To evaluate an appropriate number of topics for my model, I ran several different visualizations using the package pyLDAvis. I used the visualizations to subjectively approximate topic exclusivity, or how distinct each topic is from other topics. I also examined the words most strongly associated with each topic to determine which set of topics was most interpretable. Topic exclusivity is represented in the visualization using an intertopic distance map; exclusive topics do not overlap on the map. I tested models with 10, 7, 5, 4, and 3 topics. The visualizations for each model are displayed below. 

Figure 2

Topic Model with 10 Topics

Figure 3

Topic Model with 7 Topics

Figure 4

Topic Model with 5 Topics

Figure 5

Topic Model with 4 Topics

Figure 6

Topic Model with 3 Topics

Based on these visualizations, models with 10 and 7 topics clearly do not yield sufficiently distinct topics. Based on the words associated with each topic, I do not think the topics from the models with 3 or 4 topics are interpretable. Therefore, I will use the model with 5 topics, as the topics are relatively distinct and interpretable. 

Table 1 displays the words most strongly associated with each of the topics in the 5 topic model. I subjectively interpreted and labeled each topic based on the words associated with that topic. If the most strongly associated words did not form a clear topic, as in topic 5, I also reviewed the messages associated with that topic to help assign a label. In the data, topics are labeled 0 through 4. In this paper, I label them 1 through 5 for clarity. 

Table 1

Topic Words and Labels 

TopicLabel (Interpretation)Words
1Historical Kievan Rusрусь (Rus), черный (black), век (century, age, time), год (year), литовский (Lithuanian), xiii, состав (composition, compound, makeup), называть (call, name), княжество (principality, princedom), xiv
2Celebratory Motor Rallyпоздравлять (congratulate, compliment, felicitate), правда (really, truth, sooth, verity), сегодняшний (today, today’s), данашње (today, present-day), rs, најбоља (the best, good), пожалуй (perhaps, rather, very likely), вожње (driving, drive, ride), orly, автопробег (rally, motor rally),
3Russian Nationроссия (Russia), русский (Russian), человек (human, person, man), наш (our), век (century, age, time), год (year), население (population, people), народ (people, the people, nation, folk), помнить (remember, keep in mind, mind), первый (first, top)
4Russian Military Deploymentгод (year), русский (Russian), грозный (fearsome, formidable, redoubtable, Grozny), солдат (soldier, enlisted man), станция (station, post), владикавказский (Vladikavkaz), дорога (road, way, route), железный (iron, irony, ferreous), барс (leopard), лодка (boat)
5Russian Forces in Ukraineроссийский (Russian), художник (artist, painter, craftsman), вдв (airborne forces), китайский (Chinese), jeffbearholy, высадка (landing), гостомель (guest house, Hostomel’), десант (landing, decent), иллюстратор (illustrator), украина (Ukraine)
Topic Words and Labels 

Note. Translations performed using the Cambridge Dictionary. If the translation provided by Cambridge Dictionary seemed inaccurate or incomplete, then the word was Googled and Google translate was used to assist in a correct translation. Errors are the author’s own. If a word could have multiple meanings in English, multiple potential translations are provided in the parenthesis. 


For this research project, I focused on the impact of image cluster and text topic on the level of engagement with a message (measured through view count). I first present descriptive statistics on these three variables and then present the results of a mixed effects regression testing the significance of the impact of text topics and image clusters on message views. 

Descriptive Statistics 

Table 2 displays the number of messages and average view count for each topic and cluster. This data aggregation was done using pivot tables in the Google sheets. 

Table 2

Topic and Cluster Message Counts and Average Views

SubjectMessage CountAverage Views
Text Topic 
1: Historical Kievan Rus8501.75
2: Celebratory Motor Rally3421.67
3: Russian Nation6528.50
4: Russian Military Deployment7446.43
5: Russian Forces in Ukraine7564.86
Text Total Total Text Message CountTotal Text Average Views
Image Cluster
1: People and Political/Religious Symbols9583.44
2: Military Vehicles2608
3: Crowds and Protests7579.57
4: Memorial Plaque1526
5: Old Building Photo/Illustration and Maps6606.17
6: Documents and Illustrations9533.11
7: Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman1541
8: Buildings and Political/Religious Symbols6610.83
9: Antique Photographs of People12443.58
10: Military Truck1526
Image Total Total Image Message Count Total Image Average Views
Overall TotalTotal Message Count Total Average Views
Topic and Cluster Message Counts and Average Views

Interestingly, the messages with no text, but with an image, had an average of 609.17 views, higher than the average for any text topic. 

To demonstrate how the text topics and image clusters overlap, figure 7 displays a co-occurrence matrix of topics and clusters. 

Figure 7

Topic and Cluster Co-Occurrence Matrix

Given the small dataset and low number of messages for many of the topics and clusters, this matrix is fairly sparse. The topic and cluster pairs with the greatest number of co-occurrences are topic 4 (Russian Military Deployment) and cluster 9 (Antique Photographs of People). The pair with the second greatest number of co-occurrences are  topic 1 (Historical Kievan Rus) and cluster 9 (Antique Photographs of People). Other pairs with more than 1 co-occurrence are topic 2 (Celebratory Motor Rally) and cluster 6 (Documents and Illustrations) and topic 3 (Russian Nation) and cluster 1 (People and Political/Religious Symbols).

Given that the message and image subjects, as well as view counts, might be influenced by external global events, I also graphed view count over time, along with topic and cluster frequency over time. Figure 8 displays the view counts for messages sent each day. 

Figure 8

Message View Count Over Time

The message view counts do increase significantly (Trend slope: 7.33, P-value: 0.0006) over time. This is likely because messages that have been posted in the channel for longer would have more time to be viewed, leading to a higher view count. This significant increase could lead to correlation among the view counts. Figure 9 shows the changes in topic count over time. 

Figure 9

Text Topic Frequency Over Time

None of the changes in topic count over time constitute a statistically significant trend. Figure 10 shows the cluster count over time. 

Figure 10

Image Cluster Frequency Over Time

The only statistically significant trend in cluster count frequency over time is for cluster 2 (Trend slope: 0.02, P-value: 0.02). 

Regression Analysis

In order to test the relationship between the independent variables image cluster and text topic and the dependent variable view count, I ran a mixed effects regression model. Integrating machine learning prior to running a regression has been discussed in prior work. I selected a mixed effects model to account for the significant autocorrelation among view counts at lags 1 and 2, which indicate that the data points are likely not independent. Figure 11 displays the results of the autocorrelation function. These results indicate that the messages may be clusters of related statistical units, which mixed-effects models are particularly suitable for. In order to run the analyses, I also had to limit my data to only include messages with an image and text (n=31). 

Figure 11

Autocorrelation Function (ACF)

While my data does not meet the other assumptions of a linear mixed-effects model, likely due to the small size of the dataset, this type of regression still seems the most effective way of evaluating the relationship between image cluster, text topic, and view count.

The results of the linear mixed-effects regression model are displayed in table 3. Topic 1 and cluster 1 are excluded from these results as reference categories. The results should be interpreted as compared to topic 1, or cluster 1, depending on the variable. 

Table 3

Linear Mixed-Effects Regression Model

VariableCoef.Std.Err.zConfidence Interval
Intercept497.732 54.3819.153391.148 604.3160.000
Topic 2: Celebratory Motor Rally -32.90344.160-0.745-119.45553.6490.456
Topic 3: Russian Nation-9.28035.918-0.258-79.67861.1180.796
Topic 4: Russian Military Deployment24.65836.4780.676-46.83896.1540.499
Topic 5: Russian Forces in Ukraine69.21640.6951.701-10.545148.9770.089
Cluster 2: Military Vehicles164.21674.1302.21518.924309.5090.027
Cluster 3: Crowds and Protests-25.73761.984-0.415-147.22495.7500.678
Cluster 4: Memorial Plaque-19.75072.821-0.271-162.478122.9770.786
Cluster 5: Old Building Photo/Illustration and Maps11.67949.5470.236-85.431108.7890.814
Cluster 6: Documents and Illustrations4.53137.8320.120-69.61878.6800.905
Cluster 7: Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman-54.17979.082-0.685-209.176100.8180.493
Cluster 8: Buildings and Political/Religious Symbols-6.42845.565-0.141-95.73382.8770.888
Cluster 9: Antique Photographs of People-56.09135.999-1.558-126.64914.4660.119
Cluster 10: Military Truck-88.96770.551-1.261-227.24549.3110.207
Group Variable9680.347144.618
Linear Mixed-Effects Regression Model

Note. Number of Observations = 31, Number of Groups = 6, Min. Group Size = 2, Max. Group Size = 7, Mean Group Size = 5.2. 

These results show that the only topic or cluster that significantly impacts view count is image cluster 2, Military Vehicles (p = 0.027). Messages with images in this cluster get approximately 164.216 more views than messages with images in cluster 1, People and Political/Religious Symbols, holding the other variables in the regression constant. However, there are also only two messages in the dataset with images in this cluster, therefore, these results may not be meaningful. 


This exploratory project allowed me to apply various methods to understand the impact of the subjects of Telegram messages on how many views they received, providing insight into their impact on online discourse. While the size of the dataset, and its failure to meet regression assumptions, limits the conclusions that can be drawn from this paper, several methods do appear particularly useful for future research. These include using topic modeling and image clustering to quantify themes in messages. These quantitative values can then be used in further statistical analysis, such as the mixed effects regression model presented in this paper. Automatically extracting named entities also appears to be surprisingly useful for identifying place names and geographic locations in messages. 

Future research could apply the methods used in this project to a larger dataset to see if the mixed effects regression model can identify themes that influence how many views a message received. Named entity extraction may also be useful for future geographically oriented projects that wish to associate instances of online discourse with particular places.

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