Courtney Page-Tan
Courtney Page-Tan received her PhD in Political Science from Northeastern University in 2019.
Research Interests
With the increasing challenge of addressing climate change, terrorism and social unrest, Courtney leverages her background in policy and international relations to explain how communities can proactively make investments into their social infrastructure to mitigate negative outcomes of unexpected shocks and disturbances. She is currently exploring the role of social media platforms and outcomes of disasters like Hurricane Harvey, the 2014 Napa Valley Earthquake and the 2015 Boston snow storms. She is also working with the Mayor’s Special Advisory Committee on Neighborhood-Based Resiliency in Cambridge, Massachusetts in undertaking a city-wide survey to measure levels of social capital throughout the Cambridge area. Her recent research in Houston, San Francisco and Boston deploy spatial and social network analyses to understand how neighborhood networks expand and contract around shocks and disturbances and how communities can leverage their social capital following a disaster.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
“Social Capital and Participation in Climate Change Adaptation.” (2016) Climate Science: Oxford Research Encyclopedias. (with Daniel Aldrich and Christopher Paul)
“International Actors Leading in Relief Efforts: 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Aid Assessment.” (2009) Asian Politics and Policy, 1(3) 435–462
Other Publications
“Why social media apps should be in your disaster kit.” (with Daniel Aldrich) The Conversation. 8 September 2017
“Financing the Health-Related Millennium Development Goals.” (with Yanzhong Huang) Global Health Governance. 20 March 2014.
“Impact Investing and Global Health: The Future of Global Health Financing?” Global Health Governance. 21 October 2013
“The Asian Spring” Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations. 30 April 2012
Conference Papers
“An examination of countries with voluntary political party and institutionalized legislative gender quotas.” Poster presented at the 2017 International Cartographic Conference, Washington, D.C. (with Bahare Sanaie-Movahed)
“Estimating social media effects on neighborhood resiliency.” Paper presented at the 2017 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL (with Daniel Aldrich)
“Social and transportation networks in the 2015 Boston Snowmaggedon.” Paper presented at the 2017 Boston Area Research Initiative Conference, Boston, MA (with Daniel Aldrich)
“Social capital and shared identities as determinants of international disaster aid: 2000-2013.” Paper presented at the 2015 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL
“Norm internalization: The case for disaster risk reduction.” Paper presented at the 2013 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL
“Why states prepare for natural disasters: Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015.” Paper presented at the 2013 International Studies Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA
“International Actors Leading in Relief Efforts: 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Aid Assessment.” Paper presented at the 2008 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL
Selected Honors and Grants
Quick Response Grant, Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder, Fall 2017
Open Science for Synthesis Gulf Research Program Training, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California Santa Barbara, Summer 2017
Graduate Student Research and Experiential Learning Grant, Northeastern University, Fall 2016
Summer’s Family Military and First Responders Scholarship, 2012-2013
Salgo Noren Foundation Summer Internship Grant, 2012
Research Interests
Spatial analysis, resilience, social network analysis, international relations, global health, public policy, disasters, public administration, climate change