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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Sacred Writes

Sacred Writes: Public Scholarship on Race, Justice, and Religion provides support, resources, and networks for scholars of religion committed to translating the significance of their research to a broader audience. In our first four years, from 2018 to 2022, we created and hosted public scholarship trainings for religion scholars, and funded partnerships between scholars and media outlets. Going forward in our new iteration from 2022-2024, we will convene meetings to discuss the risks, rewards, and responsibilities of public scholarship; build our network of public scholarship trainers, expand our training curriculum to focus on groups marginalized within and beyond the academy; and offer additional sections of our signature online training program.

Collaborators and Funders

  • Kelly J. Baker, Editor, Women in Higher Education
  • Anthea Butler, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania
  • Sharon Groves,
    Vice President for Partner Engagement, Auburn Seminary
  • Mary Hunt, Co-Founder and Co-Director, Women’s Alliance For Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (Water)
  • Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, Professor of Political Science, Northwestern University
  • Nyasha Junior, Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible, Temple University
  • Erik Owens, Director, International Studies Program, Boston College
  • Omid Safi, Director, Duke Islamic Studies Center
  • Simran Jeet Singh, Luce Postdoctoral Fellow, NYU’s Center for Religion and Media
  • Judith Weisenfeld, Professor of Religion, Princeton University

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