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Brianne Kane

Criminology and Justice Policy, PhD

Brianne Kane is a doctoral student in the School of Criminology and Justice Policy at Northeastern University. She holds a M.A. in Criminal Justice and Criminology from Sam Houston State University and a B.A. in Psychology and Crime, Law and Justice from the University of Connecticut. Her research focuses on understanding police anti-trafficking response efforts and the effectiveness of specialized human trafficking units. Earlier in her graduate studies, Brianne served as a research assistant on two National Institute of Justice-funded projects, one which focused on the Uniform Crime Report for human trafficking cases and another which focused on the New Jersey gun crime system. She has also done research focused on mental health issues within correctional populations. Brianne teaches the Human Trafficking course at Northeastern University.

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  • Farrell, A., & Kane, B. (2019). Criminal justice system responses to human trafficking. In Winterdyk, J. & Jones, J. (Eds.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kane, B.A. (2016). Book Review: The modern prison paradox: Politics, punishment, and social community. Criminal Justice Review.


  • Kane, B.A., & Blasko, B.L. (March, 2017). Prisoner suicide: Prevalence and perceptions in the era of mass incarceration. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas City, M.O. 
  • Kane, B.A., & Blasko, B. L. (November, 2016). Changes in the working alliance over the course of prison-based sexual offender treatment. In B. L. Blasko (Chair), Relationship matters: Legitimacy, procedural justice, and the working alliance in prisons and jails. Symposium presentation at the meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, L.A.
  • Kane, B.A., & Blasko, B. L. (November, 2016). Changes in the working alliance over the course of prison-based sexual offender treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Orlando, FL.


  • Summer and Fall 2020 – Academic Technology ScholarSummer 2018 – School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Summer Scholars Fellowship2017 – Ellis-Gibbs Memorial Scholarship, Sam Houston State University, College of Criminal Justice

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