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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Casey Greenleaf

Cultural Anthropology, BA

Graduated in 2020

Casey Greenleaf transferred to Northeastern during her second year. She believed Northeastern would provide her the freedom to mix and match courses and create an unique educational experience. Casey declared a cultural anthropology major because she found that it addressed the core desire at the root of all her interests—understanding the human condition. 

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Casey’s Path

“It was the intermodality of Northeastern that was really attractive to me. When I came here, that idea was a very exciting thing for me: the potential that I could do so much, that there were so many opportunities open for me like co-ops and studying abroad. That idea ended up being very true—as true as I thought it would be, it was even truer.” 

Casey now works as Community Coordinator for Creative Mornings, an organization hosting monthly event series for creative communities.

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