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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Cheyenne Dobine

Music and Communication Studies, BS
Africana Studies minor

Graduated in 2021

Cheyenne was intrigued by Northeastern’s co-op program, and knew she wanted to go into music supervision, highlighting BIPOC artists. Cheyenne chose to declare a minor in Africana Studies to complement her major.

Cheyenne ’s Path

“I identify as a Black woman and within my Northeastern experience I felt that something was missing within my curriculum and my community…if I don’t go to graduate school, I thought that this might be my last time to learn about Africana Studies, my culture, and my history, and I wanted to get that opportunity through the Africana Studies program.”

Cheyenne currently works for McCann New York as a Jr. Business Manager in Global Rights.

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