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Madison Gerdes

Criminology and Justice Policy, PhD

Madison Gerdes (she/her/hers) is a doctoral student in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University. She holds a B.A. in Neuroscience from Vanderbilt University. Her areas of interest include violence, mass shootings, fear of crime, perceptions of crime and justice, and quantitative methods. Since arriving at Northeastern in 2019, she has served as a research assistant for Dr. James Alan Fox on a National Institute of Justice-funded project aiming to better understand mass public shootings. Additionally, she is currently collaborating with Dr. Michael Rocque of Bates College to identify differences between averted and completed mass shootings. This work has provided her the opportunity to collect data at the incident, victim, and offender levels on both averted and completed mass shootings, generate measures to quantify news coverage of mass shootings, and analyze the resulting quantitative data. She has also served as a teaching assistant for Quantitative Analysis, an interdisciplinary, graduate-level course in CSSH.

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  • Fox, J.A., Gerdes, M., Duwe, G., & Rocque, M. (in press). The Newsworthiness of Mass Public Shootings: What Factors Impact the Extent of Coverage?. Homicide Studies.
  • Zimmerman, G.M., Fridel, E.E., & Gerdes, M.B. (in press). Examining the Racial Dynamic of the Victim-Offender Dyad in Homicide-Suicide: Does Intraracial Homicide Encourage Perpetrator Suicide?. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.

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