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Simon Purdue

Ph.D. in History

Simon Purdue is a PhD Candidate studying issues surrounding racism, gender and violence, specifically looking at the gender politics of global white supremacist movements between 1969 and 1999. Simon received his BA (international) in history from University College Dublin in 2015. He then received a Welcome Trust medical humanities scholarship to continue his work at the MA level. He received his MA in the Social and Cultural History of Medicine, also from UCD, in 2016. His master’s thesis explored gender and occupational health in industrial Belfast between 1870 and 1914, and will be published in Irish Historical Studies (Cambridge University Press) in Fall 2019. Simon has been a teaching assistant at Northeastern for four semesters, where he has lectured on topics such as the global far right and the ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland, and also served as editorial assistant at Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society in the 2017-18 academic year. Simon is a member of the editorial team at H-Nationalism, where he is primarily responsible for editing and moderating the ‘Question of the Month’ series run by the network.

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Cohort: 2016

Research Interests: Race and Racism; Gender; World History; Global Racial Nationalism; Extremism; Radical Social Movements

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