Taylor Robichaud
PhD Candidate in Political Science
Taylor Robichaud is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at Northeastern University, specializing in International Relations and Comparative Politics. She has a strong background and interest in international organizations and human rights. Taylor has served as a Teaching Assistant at the University of Connecticut.

Research Interests
Taylor has a strong interest in torture and trauma studies. In her work at the University of Connecticut, she focused her work in the torture trade, particularly in Germany and Western Europe. She also has a strong background in human rights. While obtaining the Human Rights Certificate at the University of Connecticut, she mostly concentrated her studies in both the politics of torture and human trafficking in Europe. The majority of her research focuses on international organizations and the European Union, in particular.
Taylor was born and raised in Storrs, Connecticut. While studying at the University of Connecticut, she developed a fluency in German and studied in both Stuttgart and Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg for seven months. She was a member of both the Global House Learning Community and the UConn Tap Team. After finishing her Bachelors degrees in both German and Political Science, she decided to continue to attend UConn further for her Masters in German Studies. While pursuing her Masters in German, she also obtained a certificate in Human Rights. During her time at UConn, Taylor also served as both Secretary and Hospitality Chair for the Languages Graduate Student Association (LANGSA).
Degrees earned and institutions:
BA, University of Connecticut
MA, University of Connecticut
Research Interests: Trauma Studies, Torture, European Union & International Organizations, Human Rights, Germany and Western Europe
Contact info:
960A Renaissance Park