Northeastern University will be well-represented at the upcoming 2019 CCCC Annual Convention in Pittsburgh, PA. For the full CCCC schedule, click here.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
W.07 Co-Exploring International Writing Research and Rehearsing Scholarly Performances Sponsored by the International Researchers Consortium
Christine K. Donahue (MA ’90), Chair
Writing Pedagogies and Processes
AW.12 Teach It Like We Mean It: Helping Students Perform Their Power in Peer Review
Aaron Block, workshop facilitator
Kat Gonso, workshop facilitator
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Opening General Session – Presentation of the Exemplar Award
Ellen Cushman, Exemplar Award Committee member
Writing Pedagogies and Processes
B.27 Performing the Possible: Embodied Presences /Embodied Knowledge in the Online Writing Class
Kelly Garneau, speaker
Bret Keeling, speaker
Laurie Nardone, speaker
Writing Pedagogies and Processes
B.46 What Really Changes in Undergraduate Student Writing
Across the Curriculum
Christine K. Donahue (MA ’90), speaker
Community, Civic & Public
B.31 Activism, Outreach, and Performances of Democratic Dissent)
Sarah Finn, speaker
First-Year and Advanced Composition
C.34 “Who You Wit?”: Negotiating Identity Representation in FYC
Rachel Molko, speaker
Writing Pedagogies and Processes
D.25 Performative STEM: Disrupting Student Expectations about Disciplinary Writing
Amy Carleton (PhD ’11), Chair
Cecelia A. Musselman, speaker
Rebecca Thorndike-Breeze (PhD ’11), speaker
Writing Pedagogies and Processes
D.42 Genre: Convention, Performance, Inspiration
Kevin G. Smith (PhD ’18), speaker
Community, Civic & Public
E.08 Writing for Freedom: Performing Suitability in Parole Board Hearings
Emily Artiano (PhD ’15), speaker
First-Year and Advanced Composition
E.10 Intersectionality, Identity, and Instruction: Problems and Perspectives from inside and beyond the Classroom Sponsored by the Intersectionality in FYC SIG
Heather Falconer (PhD ’18), speaker
Friday, March 15, 2019
Institutional and Professional
F.12 After the Multimodal Turn
Pegeen Reichert Powell (MA ’95), speaker
Information Technologies
F.34 Performance-Rhetoric in Digital Contexts
Stuart Selber (MTPW ’90), speaker
Community, Civic & Public
F.30 Speaking Out, Hearing Out
Rachel Lewis, speaker
First-Year and Advanced Composition
G.10 The Ethics of Assessment: Practitioner Research and Evidence-Based Pedagogy
Jennifer (Sopchockchai) Bankard (PhD ’13), speaker
G.16 Spotlight Session: Methods for Emerging Researchers in
Rhetoric and Composition
Heather Falconer (PhD ’18), respondent
G.45 A Dialogue on Mentorship and Methodology
Charles Lesh (PhD ’16), speaker
Jessica Pauszek (MA ’12), speaker
Chris Gallagher, respondent
Community, Civic & Public
H.04 Performativity across Contexts and Communities: Setting the Stage for Knowing, Doing, and Learning
Ellen Cushman, Chair and speaker
Jonathan Osborne, speaker
Laura Proszak, speaker
Eric Sepenoski, speaker
Community, Civic & Public
J.28 From Cosplay to Slam Poetry, the Show Must Go On
Kristi Girdharry (PhD ’16), speaker
Professional and Technical Writing
FSIG.09 Writing and STEM Business Meeting Sponsored by the Writing and STEM Standing Group
Mya Poe, Standing Group Chair
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Teacher 2 Teacher
Amy Carleton (PhD ’11), participant
Institutional and Professional
K.05 Performing Professionalism in a Faux-Populist Moment
Chris Gallagher, speaker
Writing Programs
M.37 Writing Centers amidst the Storm
Michael Turner, speaker
N.15 Writing Analytics and the Writing Performance of Diverse Students: Is Opportunity Possible?
Mya Poe, speaker
SW.01 Community Writing Mentoring Workshop
Ellen Cushman, workshop facilitator