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AYITI PAP PERI: Haitian Community Forum

Please enjoy a recording of the AYITI PAP PERI: Haitian Community Forum event, hosted by the Africana Studies Program. The event featured guest speakers Monique Clesca and Dr. Cécile Accilien.

Monique Clesca:
Monique Clesca is currently an international consultant after a career of more than 25 years specializing in high-level policy dialogue, human rights, youth and women programming, development, and crisis communication and writing. A feminist pro-democracy, pro-social justice activist, she is also a member of the civil society Commission to find a Haitian solution to the crisis and of Haiti Think Tank and a member of the Montana Agreement Monitoring Bureau.
Ms. Clesca was appointed Representative of the United Nations Population Fund in Niger in 2012, after serving as its Regional Adviser for Africa in New York and Regional Advocacy and Communication Adviser for 22 Southern African countries. She led her team to winning a WEBBY award for the series on Niger girls empowered against child marriage as well as to record resource mobilization for the implementation of the cooperation program. The President of Niger awarded her the country’s highest honor in the Niger Order of Merit, that of Commander in 2016. 
Ms. Clesca served as Advocacy and Communication Officer for UNICEF Haiti from 1983 to 1996 and spearheaded the campaign on the Convention on the Rights of Children and a national network of media and journalists in favor of children.
She has been a speaker at the Yale Law School Human Rights Clinic, the Canada Parliement and a guest on Democracy Now, CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, NPR, Black News. 
Ms. Clesca’s writing has appeared in major national and international newspapers and magazines, including Foreign Affairs, Americas Quarterly, The New York Times, the Miami Herald, Huffington Post, Le Nouvelliste, Ayibopost. She has authored two books: a novel La Confession and a compilation of essays entitled Mosaiques.

Dr. Cécile Accilien:
Cécile Accilien is Professor of French and Francophone Studies at the University of Maryland. Her area of studies are Francophone African and Caribbean Literatures and Cultures, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Film & Media Studies.  She has co-written and co-edited several books including Teaching Haiti: Strategies for Creating New NarrativesThe Antiracism World Language Classroom and English-Haitian Creole Phrasebook. She recently published Bay lodyansHaitian Popular Film Culture with SUNY Press.  Since 2019 she has been serving as chair of the editorial board for Women, Gender and Families of Color. She currently serves as president of the Haitian Studies Association. She has written for Truthout and Latin American Commentator.  She is co-founder (with Jessica Adams) of Soley Consulting, LLC (

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