Africana Studies Program, Department of Cultures, Societies, and Global Studies
Research Topics:
- NTDs – Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in Kenya, Visceral and Cutaneous leishmaniasis
- HIV – HIV/AIDS prevention, epidemiology, policy and economic evaluation
- NCDs – STEPS survey, Kenya; HPV Vaccination in Cameroon and distribution of oncogenic HPV types in sub-Saharan Africa; HPV vaccination program Kenya
- HS – Health Systems Development in Saharan Africa; expanding health insurance in rural Kenya
Current Research Project(s):
- Principal Investigator. Project title: An integrated community interventional-evaluative model for neglected diseases in East Pokot, Kenya. Aims: To implement and evaluate community-based interventions that can help to reduce the high morbidity for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and other NTDs. Funding: Izumi Foundation ($430,000). Period: 05/01/2014–6/30/2020
- Co-investigator. Project Title: Strengthening Clinical Infrastructure to Manage Kala-azar Disease at Chemolingot Sub-County Hospital in East Pokot, Baringo Kenya. Aims: To strengthen hospital infrastructure and capacity building health workers to, for the first time, provide treatment of VL in the region. Funding: Probitas Foundation (Spain) (€100,000). Period: 07/01/2018–11/30/2020.
- Co-Principal investigator. Project title: Magnitude and dynamics of Visceral and Cutaneous Leishmaniasis transmission in Baringo, Nyandarua and Nakuru Counties in Kenya. Aims: To investigate incidence and socio-ecological dynamics of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis in three counties in Kenya. Funding: National Research Fund (NRF) Kenya ($200,000). Period: 02/01-2018-01/31/2021.
Recent News/Publications/Talks:
- Dr. Wamai’s Article Published by Journal of International Aids Society
- COVID-19 Research and Analysis with Northeastern Experts: The Immunization Effect in Africa
- The Deadliest Disease You May Have Never Heard Of
Affiliated Research Centers:
- Center for International Affairs and World Cultures
- Integrated Initiative for Global Health
- African Centre for Community Investment in Health
- Northeastern Center for Health Policy and Law
- Lwala Community Alliance
- COVID-19 in Africa Data Science Initiative
Undergraduate Research Projects
- A Needs-Based Assessment of Medical Facilities in Rural Uganda in Partnership with MGH with Hugh Shirley COS ‘20
- Influencing Community Based Point of Care for Neglected Tropical Diseases: The Case of Leishmaniasis in East Pokot, Kenya with Sukanya Mittal, COS’21