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Labor Trafficking in Construction and Hospitality: Analyzing Victim Recruitment, Exploitation, and Service Needs to Identify Strategies for Prevention and Intervention

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Project Summary:

Labor trafficking is often conceptualized as a singular phenomenon, with the variation in victim experiences within industries commonly overlooked. This study conducted by Professor Amy Farrell in partnership with Professor Kayse Maass in the College of Engineering offers one of the first focused examinations of labor trafficking specifically in construction and hospitality industries. The primary goals of this research are to determine the characteristics and patterns of labor trafficking victimization in these two industries and to identify the underlying supply chain and network structure of labor trafficking within both sectors as a mechanism to better understand potential points of disruption in the labor trafficking process.

Project Description:

Data from federally prosecuted cases in the United States is being used to map labor trafficking supply chains and network structures.  In addition, survey data is being collected from workers who have experienced labor exploitation or trafficking in the construction and hospitality industries. In depth interviews with survivors and stakeholders in Colorado, Illinois, and New York will supplement the prosecution and survey data.

Funders and Partners:

This research is funded by the National Institute of Justice and conducted in partnership with RTI, New York University, and the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

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