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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Some CSSH academic departments and programs sponsor their own student organizations and honor societies. Other organizations are also of particular interest to CSSH students because of the group’s focus on certain topics or activities. Below is just a sampling of the more than 325 organizations available to undergraduate students in CSSH.

Africana Studies

The Northeastern University African Student Organization
The Northeastern University African Student Organization (NASO) is primarily a home far away from home for African students. The organization also invites other people interested in African culture, networking, and many more. Through programs such as the annual African Night and weekly meetings, NASO continues to expose Northeastern University and the rest of Boston to different aspects of the African culture that are often left out of the camera lenses, newspapers and magazines.

American Sign Language

The Interpreting Club at Northeastern University
The Interpreting Club at Northeastern University (ICNU) is a student-based organization made up of interpreting students, ASL students, Deaf students and other Northeastern community members.

Criminology and Criminal Justice

School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Student Advisory Council
The Criminal Justice Student Advisory Council (CJSAC) acts as a liaison between the student body and the administration and faculty of the School in order to provide input, feedback and recommendations on the practices and procedures within the School that affect the student body.

National Criminal Justice Honor Society: Alpha Phi Sigma
The National Criminal Justice Honor Society recognizes and promotes high scholarship among students actively engaged in collegiate preparation for professional services; keeps members abreast of the advances in scientific research; elevates the ethical standards of the criminal justice professions; and establishes in the public mind the benefit and necessity of education and professional training.


Economics Society
An academically based student organization closely incorporated with the Department of Economics, the Economics Society discusses relevant economic issues, both in the world and in the department, and focuses on promoting both social and professional economic information and networking for economics majors and any student interested in the field of economics.

ECONPress is a student-run undergraduate research publication that is published twice a year at the beginning of each fall and spring semesters. Each issue features the best economics research by undergraduate students in the local Boston area. ECONPress provides a forum for the economics undergraduate community to engage in active discussion and debate about the topics, theories, and applications they’ve learned in the classroom.


Spectrum is the campus literary and arts magazine. Students from across the university are encouraged to submit original work in poetry, prose, and the visual arts.


History Association
The Northeastern University History Association (NUHA) is an organization open to all undergraduate students. NUHA is dedicated to adding value to the study of history by taking trips to local historic sites, organizations, and museums. NUHA also brings activities to campus such as speakers and events that will engage all history lovers by providing learning opportunities that go beyond the classroom.

Human Services

Human Services Organization (Club)
The Human Services Organization (HSO) seeks to respond to needs in the community and provide opportunities for students to stay informed about discipline-related information and events.

Northeastern Students4Giving

Northeastern Students4Giving (NS4G) is an experiential philanthropy education program that combines rigorous academic content with real-dollar grant making. Students may participate in NS4G through multiple courses, a student club, a lecture series, and on- and off-campus engagement with nonprofit and philanthropy leaders in Boston.

Jewish Studies

Northeastern University Hillel
Northeastern Hillel is the Center for Jewish Life on campus. The Center offers social events, community service activities, Jewish holiday celebrations, and much more.

Philosophy & Religion


Minorities and Philosophy at Northeastern aims to cultivate a community that engages with students to highlight marginalized voices in the field of philosophy.

Philosophy Club
The Northeastern University Philosophy Club is an active group of undergraduates who meet weekly to share dinner and discussion. Northeastern faculty, students and guests from other universities provide lively discussions of topics ranging from the morality of abortion, arguments for plural marriage, the environmental implications of nano-technology and arguments for (and against) the existence of God.

Political Science

Political Science Student Association
The Political Science Student Association offers many opportunities to become involved in the academic and extracurricular affairs of the department. Members of the association represent student interests in the department, and they play a key role in sponsoring different events.

Northeastern University International Relations Council (IRC)
The International Relations Council (IRC) supports the Model UN, Model NATO, and Model Arab League as both an extracurricular activity and as courses. It also facilitates student participation each year in several other model events in Boston, Washington, D.C. and other cities.

Pi Sigma Alpha

Pi Sigma Alpha is the honor society for the political science discipline. To qualify, students must have completed at least one-half the credits required for the baccalaureate degree; at least 10 semester-credits or 15 quarter-credits in political science including at least one upper-division course, maintain a B average in those political science courses, and have an overall GPA placing them in the top one-third of their class.

Northeastern University Political Review
The Political Review is a student-run magazine started by political science students that, in just a few years, has become a highly regarded publication for editorials, essays, opinions, reviews, and articles on both domestic and international politics.

Sociology & Anthropology

Sociology & Anthropology Student Association
The Sociology & Anthropology Student Association (SASA) is an informal organization designed to bring together students with an interest in either sociology or anthropology. Meetings have included discussions on a variety sociological or anthropological issues, guest speakers, film viewings, and field trips.

Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Feminist Student Organization
The Feminist Student Organization (FSO) is designed to encourage the empowerment of women and the LGBTQ community on campus and strives to create an equitable and positive university environment for all students by creating awareness of women’s, gender and sexuality issues through various activities.

NU Pride

NU Pride is an undergraduate student organization at Northeastern for the spectrum of sexual and gender orientations and expressions.