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For the most up-to-date and comprehensive course schedule, including course descriptions, meeting times, course additions, cancellations, and room assignments, refer to the Banner Class Schedule on the Registrar’s website. For curriculum information, see the Undergraduate Full-Time Day Programs catalog.

The first day of fall registration is November 12 for continuing undergraduate students (see the Academic Calendar).

Students can check their time ticket for registration via myNortheastern (click here for instructions).

Core RequirementCourse TitleInstructorMeeting Time
FoundationENGL 1000 English at NUDavis, TheoW 2:50pm-4:30pm
FoundationENGL 1160 Introduction to RhetoricCushman, EllenMWR 9:15am-10:20am
FoundationENGL 1400 Intro to Literary StudiesMullen, PatrickTF 9:50am-11:30am
FoundationENGL 1410 Intro to Research on WritingCushman, EllenMR 11:45am-1:25pm
Pre-1850ENGL 1600 Introduction to ShakespeareBoeckeler, ErikaMWR 1:35pm-2:40pm
FoundationENGL 1700 Global Literatures 1Boeckeler, ErikaMWR 10:30am-11:35am
Post-1850ENGL 2450 Postcolonial LiteraturePrince, AlannaWF 11:45am-1:25pm
DiversityENGL 2460 Multiethnic Literatures of USGuidotti-Hernandez, NicoleLivecast MW 2:50pm-4:30pm
WritingENGL 2700 Creative WritingSobral Campos, IsabelTF 3:25pm-5:05pm
WritingENGL 2710 Style and EditingBritt, ElizabethOnline
WritingENGL 2710 Style and EditingPoe, MyaOnline
WritingENGL 2770 Writing to HealEdwards, LaurieWF 11:45am-1:25pm
Pre-1850ENGL 3120 17th/18th-C LiteraturesAljoe, NicoleTF 9:50am-11:30am
Post-1850ENGL 3161 20th- and 21st-Century LitKim, EunsongTF 1:35pm-3:15pm
WritingENGL 3376 Creative NonfictionThornbrugh, CaitlinMWR 10:30am-11:35am
WritingENGL 3380 Writing Seminar: Nature WritingKelly, KathleenMW 2:50pm-4:30pm
Theories & MethodsENGL 3400 Opening the ArchiveGlassie, AlisonWF 11:45am-1:25pm
ElectiveENGL 3460 Archives of Public HealthAltschuler, Sari MR 11:45am-1:25pm
CapstoneENGL 4710 Capstone SeminarGreen, LauraTF 3:25pm-5:05pm
CapstoneENGL 4710 Capstone SeminarHenry, GordonWF 11:45am-1:25pm