PIKSI-Boston is an organization that runs philosophy summer schools for under-represented undergraduates from around the US. The Logic Summer School is a 5-day summer school, offered to 11 students and given by leading logicians from all over the country.
Undergraduates from underrepresented groups are invited to study logic — five topics over five days, with ten top international instructors — at Northeastern University for one week in the summer. Our last iteration of the program was hosted in 2022.
There was a competitive application process for our Summer Program, and we accepted 12 students. Transportation to and from Northeastern, as well as room and board is provided. And, a modest stipend is awarded to each participant.
By participating in this supportive program, undergraduates study logic in an inclusive setting and learn that there is a place for them in the field and that they have something valuable to offer the discipline.
Applications are currently closed. The 2022 program took place at Northeastern University in Boston from July 25–29, 2022.
PIKSI-Logic 2022 was sponsored by:
The Marc Sanders Foundation
The Ethics Institute @ Northeastern
The College of Social Sciences and Humanities @ Northeastern