Carie Hersh

Teaching Professor in Anthropology
Carie Little Hersh is an Associate Teaching Professor, public anthropologist, and former lawyer. Her research focuses on religion, spirituality, healing, secularism, and knowledge production in American parachurches. Past research has included U.S. Navy rituals, gender and sexuality, and legal anthropology. She hosts a public anthropology blog, relevANTH, and a podcast, Anthropologist on the Street, designed to share anthropological research with non-academic audiences.
2022 Outstanding Teaching Award, Northeastern University, College of Social Sciences and Humanities
2011 Manning Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Anthropology, UNC-CH Department of Anthropology
2008 Graduate Student Paper Prize, Society for Humanistic Anthropology, “Who’s Afraid of the Religious Right? Anthropological Issues in the Study of Religion and Politics”
1999 Duke University School of Law Merit-Based Scholarship
- Hersh, Carie Little. “Losing faith in the secular: The politics of faith and knowledge at two American parachurches”. Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2011. 214 pages; 3464919.
- Hersh, Carie Little. 2010. “Fighting Science with Science at Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network,” in Handbook of Religion and the Authority of Science, James R. Lewis and Olav Hammer, eds. Brill. Pp. 514-548.
- Hersh, Carie Little. 2008. “Graduate Student Participation in APLA.” Anthropology News. March: 44-45.
- Hersh, Carie Little and Ingrid M Johansen. 2007. “Free Appropriate Public Education in the Fourth Circuit.” School Law Bulletin. Institute of Government, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Winter: 1-15.
- Hersh, Carie Little. Fall 2005. “Book Review: Crime’s Power: Anthropologists and the Ethnography of Crime, Philip C. Parnell and Stephanie C. Kane, eds. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003).” Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 28.2.
- Hersh, Carie Little. 2002. “Crossing the Line: Sex, Power, Justice and the U.S. Navy at the Equator.” Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 9:277-324.
PhD, Anthropology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill -
952 Renaissance Park
360 Huntington Avenue,
Boston, MA 02115
Making Anthropology Public
ANTH 4100
Reflects on the social, economic, ecological, and cultural value of anthropology as a field, as well as an experiential learning space for transforming anthropological research into material understandable by the general public. Offers students an opportunity to learn methodologies across visual, collaborative, and engaged anthropologies, as well as to study the ethical considerations and specific skills necessary to communicate effectively in a variety of modalities.
Peoples and Cultures
ANTH 1101
Surveys basic concepts in cultural anthropology by looking at a range of societies and the issues they face in a globalizing world. Examines the manner in which cultures adapt to, reject, or modify all of the changes they face. These changes impact everything from traditional family structure, to religion, gender, all the way to patterns of joking and concepts of beauty the world over.

Medical Anthropology
ANTH 3441
Examines core concepts of medicine as a cultural system, then moves to anthropology of the body as it has been understood and shaped within healing systems. Medical anthropology is a subfield of anthropology that uses the four-field approach to examine cultural concepts and experiences of health, illness, treatment, and power cross-culturally. Emphasizes history and construction of biomedicine. Surveys traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, Voudon, Mayan curanderos, and other folk healing systems around the world. Explores medical pluralism, the common practice of seeking out and utilizing more than one therapeutic treatment style at one time; structural violence; and how healing systems interact with broader political and social systems globally.