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Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology and International Affairs

Jelena Golubović specializes in the anthropology of violence. Before joining Northeastern, she held a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at The Fletcher School of Global Affairs at Tufts University. Her award-winning work has been published in Journal of Refugee Studies, Ethnicities, Anthropological Quarterly, and American Ethnologist. Her first book, Inner Zone: The Untold Violence of Retribution in Besieged Sarajevo, is under contract with the University of Pennsylvania Press.


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Early Career Researcher Prize, Journal of Refugee Studies, 2023;Article Prize, Canadian Historical Association, CCMET, 2022;Postgraduate Article Prize, BASEES, 2022;Best Article Award, International Studies Association, ENMISA, 2022;Best Article Award, International Studies Association, ENMISA, 2021;Outstanding Published Article Award, American Sociological Association, AMSS, 2021;Article Prize, BASEES Women’s Forum, 2021;Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal, Simon Fraser University, 2021;Outstanding Published Article Award, American Sociological Association, AMSS, 2021;Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2021–2023;SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined), 2021–2023;International Policy Ideas Challenge, Global Affairs Canada, 2020;Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Doctoral Scholarship, 2015–2018;Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship, 2013–2014

Golubović, Jelena, Kathleen Inglis, and Cheyanne Connell. 2022. “Gendered Disruptions in Academic Publishing during COVID-19: Uncovering Invisible Labor at an Anthropology Journal.” American Ethnologist 49(4): 595–609.

Golubović, Jelena. 2022. “Beyond Agency as Good: Complicity and Displacement after the Siege of Sarajevo.” Journal of Refugee Studies 35(3): 1344­–1363.

Golubović, Jelena. 2020. “‘To Me, You Are Not a Serb’: Ethnicity, Ambiguity, and Anxiety in Post-War Sarajevo.” Ethnicities 20(3): 544–563.

Golubović, Jelena. 2019. “‘One Day I Will Tell This to My Daughter’: Serb Women, Silence, and the Politics of Victimhood in Sarajevo.” Anthropological Quarterly 92(4): 1173–1199.

Dossa, Parin, and Jelena Golubović. 2018. “Community-Based Ethnography.” In International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, edited by Hilary Callan, 1040–1046. John Wiley & Sons.

  • Education

    PhD, Anthropology
    Simon Fraser University, 2021

  • Contact

  • Address

    Renaissance Park 937
    360 Huntington Avenue
    Boston, MA 02115

  • Office Hours

    Wednesdays 11am–12:20pm


Course catalog
  • Peoples and Cultures

    ANTH 1101

    Surveys basic concepts in cultural anthropology by looking at a range of societies and the issues they face in a globalizing world. Examines the manner in which cultures adapt to, reject, or modify all of the changes they face. These changes impact everything from traditional family structure, to religion, gender, all the way to patterns of joking and concepts of beauty the world over.

  • Offers a critical and interdisciplinary approach to the study of security. Analyzes the politics, culture, geography, and history of security as a major force shaping the contemporary world. Aims to develop a critical analysis of how power operates in and through security by examining questions of how security shapes cities, states, space, and society from the cultural and psychological terrain of fear to the international terrain of war, capitalism, migration, and transnational conflicts.