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Senior Lecturer of Sociology, College of Professional Studies, Inaugural Scholar-in-Residence at the John D. O'Bryant African American Institute, & Digital Creator

Dr. Yndia Lorick-Wilmot is a sociologist, public scholar, policy researcher, and storyteller whose work is viewed as scholar-activism. She is also the digital creator for Journeys of Belonging 2 Blackness (YouTube) & Talking Journeys of Belonging 2 Blackness (podcast) with listeners in 30+ countries. Dr. Yndia Lorick-Wilmot’s publications and research projects focus on issues impacting diverse racial-ethnic and immigrant communities across the Americas. She is the author of two books Creating Black Caribbean Ethnic Identity (LFB Publishing, 2010), which won the Recommended Read by ACRL/Choice Magazine, and Stories of Identity among Black, Middle Class, Second Generation Caribbeans: We, Too, Sing America (Palgrave MacMillan, 2018) as well as articles, white papers and book chapters. Also, she is currently working on two new book projects, an anthology and a monograph focused on the voices, identities and personhood of African descendants.   Dr. Yndia Lorick-Wilmot is the recipient of awards including the Gloria E. Anzaldúa Award from the American Studies Association’s Committee on Gender and Sexuality Studies, the American Sociological Association/NIMH, and the Institute of Pan American Affairs and others; was the inaugural Scholar-in-Residence at Northeastern University’s John D. O’Bryant African American Institute (2018-2020); and was recognized as one of Boston’s Most Impactful Black Women in 2021 for her digital media projects.  She joined Northeastern University’s College of Professional Studies, formerly University College, in 2001.

  • Education

    Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology, Northeastern University

    Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies, from the Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies (GCWS), Radcliffe College

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