Human Services alum Corrie Hunkler, ’09, was 20 when she worked as an ambassador for the Blue Mountain Project in rural Jamaica.

Human Services alum Corrie Hunkler, ’09, was 20 when she worked as an ambassador for the Blue Mountain Project in rural Jamaica. This April, Corrie will be leading an Alternative Spring Break service learning trip for the BMP. The focus will be on education, computer literacy and after school programming while there. Consider joining this trip for a life changing opportunity!
Corrie was a sophomore at Northeastern when she participated in the Blue Mountain Project. She had been interested in Jamaica since high school and watched a movie in class that inspired her to find a work opportunity there. As an ambassador she was paid a stipend and was able to design her own projects there. Corrie ended up starting an after school program that is still running to this day. She loved the small rural community, the people, music and food. After her stint was up, she knew Hagley Gap was a place she would return to.
This year I reached out to the Executive Director about a return trip and we came up with the idea as hosting a service-learning trip as a part of her visit. We want you to be part of it! The Blue Mountain Project Trip Opportunity takes place April 13-20, 2019. Come join!Founded in 2004, the Blue Mountain Project collaborates with the people of the Jamaican Blue Mountains, facilitating international relationships to improve the region’s health, education, and economy.
Please contact for more information.