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Students who have studied Human Services have found some of the following programs are complementary to their learning and goals.

Minor in Global Social Entrepreneurship (GSE)

Social entre­pre­neur­ship is a rapidly grow­ing field of study, and an area that offers new and diverse career oppor­tu­ni­ties for young peo­ple inter­ested in “doing well and doing good.” The GSE inter­dis­ci­pli­nary minor is based on coursework and Field Research Pro­grams. Classes and inter­na­tional pro­grams are offered by various university programs and departments (including human ser­vices), and these course offer­ings can be com­bined with busi­ness offer­ings to com­plete a truly inter­dis­ci­pli­nary field of study in social entrepreneurship.

Minor in Social Activism 

Students who minor in social activism will learn a variety of perspectives and practical approaches to social activism. Students interested in activism will have opportunities to explore social movements, advocacy, and citizenship in a wide array of situations. These opportunities arise from the wealth of advocacy organizations in Boston; the access Northeastern University students have to co-op experiences nationally and internationally; and Northeastern University’s Service-Learning Program. Coursework in a variety of departments will enable students to successfully apply different skill sets and knowledge bases to future work as lawyers, non-profit activists, community organizers, lobbyists, and volunteers.

Early Intervention (EI) Certificate

Northeastern’s EI program is the only higher-education program approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA DPH) that is interdisciplinary in its faculty, students, and curriculum.  The interdisciplinary concentration in early intervention is designed for students who enjoy working with very young children and their families. Through coursework and practicum experiences, students are prepared to work with infants and toddlers with known disabilities or those who are at risk for developmental delay.

Simmons University MSW Program

In this educational partnership between Simmons University and Northeastern University, NU students have the opportunity to apply and enroll, under special terms and conditions, in the Master of Social Work Program (MSW) at Simmons School of Social Work. Northeastern Human Services students are eligible to apply to the Simmons SSW for the degree of Masters in Social Work (MSW) in both the campus-based or online formats, including full-time, part-time (extended), and accelerated options. Students who have taken 4 courses (HUSV 1101, HUSV 2350/2355, HUSV 2970/3800, and 3900) will be eligible to graduate with their MSW having earned only 56 credits instead of the standard 65 credits.

Under this educational partnership, NU students complete an MSW application with fewer requirements than the usual MSW application. Scholarships are also available to NU students under this partnership.  Contact to schedule an individual Zoom meeting to learn more about this educational opportunity for you under this educational partnership.